Mental Health

Why You Shouldn’t Lie To Your Doctors About Your Mental Health

When we think about Google and health, we usually think about patients searching online for health information. But you may be surprised that some doctors Google you. An Australian survey of how doctors use social media found about 16% (about one in six) had searched for online information about a patient, with roughly similar results [...]

By |2021-03-01T17:25:54+11:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Mental Illness|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Healthy Lifestyle Key For Those With Poor Mental Health

While being diagnosed with a serious mental health condition like schizophrenia can have devastating consequences for patients, many don’t realise how much their physical health may suffer too. The life expectancy for people with schizophrenia is around 10 – 25 years less than the general population. They also have two to three times the risk [...]

Men’s Self-reliance Linked To Risk Of Self-harm

Data from nearly 14,000 men shows those who strongly identify as self-reliant are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. For the first time large-scale empirical research has linked notions of what it is to be a man with suicidal thoughts, which the researchers argue puts a spotlight on the societal attitudes that may be putting [...]

Fear Life-saving Mental Health Support At Risk For Thousands Of Australians

Jane* has lived with severe depression and anxiety for the last 15 years outside a small town in rural Victoria. For much of that time, she's felt isolated and alone in her struggle with her mental illness. "I've had several attempted suicides," she said. Jane has no doubt where she'd be if she wasn't getting [...]

Stress Of Major Life Events Impacts Women More Than Men

New research has highlighted the potential gender gap in stress, with women reporting higher stress from life events such as death of a loved one, illness, losing their smartphone and Brexit. The study, based on YouGov research commissioned by The Physiological Society, asked over 2000 people to rate how stressful they found key life events—and [...]

Blame Culture Preventing Parents Accessing Mental Health Support For Children

Feelings that others are dismissive or blame parents commonly cited as reasons for not accessing help for children and young people with mental health concerns.  "Cumbersome" mental health services with long waiting times and difficulties getting a referral also cited. Parents feeling blamed for their child's mental health difficulties has been cited as a common [...]

How Friends And Families Can Help Those Who Are At Risk of Psychosis

When you think of paranormal experiences it often conjures images of ghosts, aliens or witchcraft. But it can also include hearing voices, out-of-body experiences, or even strong spiritual or superstitious beliefs. Such experiences are quite common – 75% of people in Britain have said that they have had one or more paranormal experiences in their [...]

How Weird Sleep Schedules Disrupt Our Body Clocks

Much like a clock on the wall, our cells have their own 24-hour timeline. When they're in sync, our body clock may act as a protective barrier against mental and physical illnesses. But throw in some jet lag, a night shift or a bout of insomnia, and suddenly the clock's hands are spinning out of [...]

Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy

You get all kinds of happiness advice on the internet from people who don't know what they're talking about. Don't trust them. Actually, don't trust me either. Trust neuroscientists. They study that gray blob in your head all day and have learned a lot about what truly will make you happy. UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex [...]

Here’s How Citizen Power Can Drive Mental Health Reform

Citizen panels and juries around the world are having their say about how health funding is prioritised and allocated. It’s time this happened in Australia, particularly when it comes to deciding how best to carve up Australia’s limited resources for tackling mental health. This is because constructively engaging with the community this way is fundamentally [...]

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