Mental Health

3 Steps To Prevent Suicide

Following the tragic death of Robin Williams, Lifeline Australia saw a 25% increase in calls. When faced with someone in crisis, many people don’t know what to do, or how to help. Some are concerned about making things worse. This means many people don’t approach the person at all. The person in crisis may feel [...]

Even Happiness Has a Downside

The United Nations hosted a "High Level Meeting on Happiness and Well-being" in New York this week. The confab's point was that judging the success of societies solely by material measures such as Gross National Product fails to capture everything that goes into a life well-lived. True enough, but I do wonder how accurate a [...]

Parents Are Having Much Farther Reaching Effects Than They Know

We were pretty good at keeping computers and televisions out of bedrooms, but as technology developed we somehow missed that phones and tablets ARE computers. One of the main conversations I have with parents is about their exhaustion at parenting with so many devices in the home. Parents feel out of control. At my seminars [...]

An Urgent Need To Keep Mental Health In Mind

These days every Australian knows that sooner or later they will experience poor mental health, either personally or within their own family. What they may not know yet is that they will struggle to access the same quality healthcare that we all take for granted when we develop physical health problems. Less than half of [...]

Calling Out To The Gen Next community!

2014 circuit evaluation   Our Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People seminar circuit has drawn to a close for 2014! So thank you to everyone who managed to join us this year! We had a brilliant time out on the road and we feel very proud about the quality of our 2014 circuit, and [...]

By |2014-08-12T15:44:52+10:00August 12th, 2014|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

10 Ways To Support Someone With Mental Health Challenges

Millions of people with mental health issues lead happy, productive, and extremely normal lives. Many people with mental health conditions never tell their loved ones, and their behavior may be no different from people without mental health conditions. Indeed, more than 25% of Americans receive a mental health diagnosis at least once. But this doesn’t [...]

Teenagers more anxious and depressed

Teenagers are experiencing more depression and anxiety than they did a decade or more ago, with doctors reporting an increase in the most serious and difficult cases. A review of 19 studies conducted across 12 countries has found the majority showed a deterioration in the mental health of teenage girls when it came to depressive and [...]

Positive Sex Education Vs Online Porn!

Who is teaching young people about sex and relationships in the digital era?   Issue Today, pornography’s influence is everywhere.  Porn influences mainstream advertising, music videos, fashion and popular culture.  Australian children are growing up in a digital world dominated by sexualised imagery that reinforces inequity and the notion that women are objects to be controlled, managed and dominated.             Use of pornography in [...]

Switch Off These Holidays

Most states are either on school holidays this week, or are in their final week of term time. Term 2 is always a particularly hectic term - aren’t they all? - due to report writing pressures, and in some states the fact that this year, schools have had to squeeze ten weeks worth of stuff [...]

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