Mental Health

ADHD: Diagnosis may be a distraction from the truth

Chicago doctor Richard Saul argues in his deliberately controversial book ADHD Does Not Exist, which has just been published in Australia. ''Not a single individual - not even the person who finds it close to impossible to pay attention or sit still - is afflicted by the disorder called ADHD,'' Saul says. Yet he sees [...]

Reading a novel triggers lasting changes in the brain

Lovers of literature can rejoice: a new study combines the humanities and neuroscience to take a look at what effects reading a novel can have on the brain. Researchers say exploring a book can not only change your perspective, but also it can change your mind - at least for a few days. via Reading [...]

Neuroplasticity Primer

With subjective experience new cells are incorporated into the brain and new circuits are created, altered, strengthened or weakened. The static view of the brain has been disproven and it is now known that the brain is very active—constantly changing connections and growing circuits, thought-by-thought, minute-by-minute and day-by-day. Many different brain mechanisms alter neuronal connections—in [...]

Internet overload depriving people of sleep

A British survey has found 9 out of 10 people are sacrificing a good night's sleep so they can stay in touch on the internet. More than half of two thousand people polled said they went online while in bed trying to sleep and one in five admitted they needed to check their Twitter, Facebook [...]

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught?

“Something we now know, from doing dozens of studies, is that emotions can either enhance or hinder your ability to learn,” Marc Brackett, a senior research scientist in psychology at Yale University, told a crowd of educators at a conference last June. “They affect our attention and our memory. If you’re very anxious about something, [...]

Racism Impacts Mental Health of Teens

An international review of published studies has found children and young people experience poor mental health, depression and anxiety following experiences of racism. University of Melbourne researchers say the study, which found 461 cases of links between racism and child and youth health outcomes, is the first of its kind. Lead researcher Dr. Naomi Priest [...]

Dolly September 2013

The Impossible Goal of Pursuing Perfection: Dolly September 2013 Melinda Tankard Reist   ‘The ultimate guide to being yourself’ is about self-acceptance. It offers girls three lessons in how to be themselves: Fall in love with you; Quit Faking It and Get inspired, not obsessed. The first encourages girls to recognise and love themselves for [...]

Teach Students Link between Thinking Patterns, Emotions & Behavior

Adding a mental health component to school-based health education programs could enhance health behaviors, reduce depression and improve grades. via Mental Health in High School: Teach Students Link between Thinking Patterns, Emotions & Behavior | Psych Central News.

Problem gambling, substance abuse problems are correlated, finds new study

Problem gamblers are a hidden population among people with mental health or substance abuse issues who often don't get the treatment they need, a new study shows. Anywhere from 10 to 20 per cent of people with substance abuse problems also have significant gambling problem, yet few programs are targeted at them and most social [...]

Junk food in pregnancy and mental health of children

EATING junk food while pregnant has been linked to serious behavioural problems in children, according to a groundbreaking Geelong study. The Deakin University study, which was undertaken at the IMPACT strategic research centre at Barwon Health, is the first of its kind that shows a clear link between diet in pregnancy, early childhood and mental [...]

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