Mental Health

Google Reveals Mental Health Patterns

"We can figuratively look inside the heads of searchers to understand population mental health patterns" by analyzing Google searches, said lead researcher John Ayers in a statement. via Study: Google Searches Reveal Mental Health Patterns - Lindsay Abrams - The Atlantic.

10 Smart Things I’ve Learned from People Who Never Went to College

From an early age my perspective was steeped in wisdom from those who never went to college, but managed to live fulfilling lives just the same. Here are ten things they and others I’ve encountered along the way have taught me.   1.  You can learn something useful from anyone. Whenever we find ourselves ignoring [...]

Doctors want to redefine autism

The first time in nearly two decades, experts want to rewrite the definition of autism. Some parents fear that if the definition is narrowed, their children may lose out on special therapies. via Doctors want to redefine autism; parents worried - Times Union.

Daily stresses take toll on long-term mental health

Emotional responses to the stresses of daily life may predict our long-term mental health, which means getting worked up by everyday irritations can often lead to mood disorders down the line. The research, which appears online in the journal Psychological Science, suggests that maintaining emotional balance is crucial to avoiding severe mental health problems later. [...]

7 positive parental engagement tips to help kids

'Family-school and community partnerships are re-defining the boundaries and functions of education. They enlarge parental and community capacity; they create conditions in which children learn more effectively. In these ways they take education beyond the school gates'.* The Family-School and Community Partnership Bureau recently commissioned a report into the effects parental engagement on children’s educational [...]

Emotional intelligence: Separating the good from the great?

What defines the difference between an employee and a valued worker, between a supervisor and a superior leader? Some hiring executives and social psychologists — while not all in complete agreement — will say it could be emotional intelligence. The concept of emotional intelligence, a person’s ability to understand and manage his or her own [...]

How Healthy is the Wellbeing of our Youth?

"There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” Nelson Mandela A new report released in Canberra on 15 March by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) entitled The Wellbeing of Young Australians, puts Australia’s youth on the middle to lower end [...]

Girl Mag Watch Girlfriend March 2013

Important articles on the dangers of sexting and pressures on girls to deliver oral sex There are two really important and timely articles in this issue. ‘The Sext files’, is straightforward and honest with readers about the risks of sexting. A recent GF survey found one in four readers have sent a sext. Personal stories [...]

How to safeguard teenagers in the world of technology

So Christmas is over and many young people will now be the proud owners of some sort of new technology. It is important to set boundaries around the use of new technology such as iPhones, iPads computers and internet access. This gives peace of mind to both parents and teenagers as both feel they are [...]

Eating Disorders In Children

Recent research suggests that up to 75% of adolescent girls view themselves as overweight or needing to lose weight and around a quarter of our teenagers are experimenting with dangerous dieting behaviour, such as taking laxatives and severely restricting their diets (Hutchings, conference). Australian research suggests that the prevalence of disordered eating behaviours have increased two-fold [...]

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