Mental Health

10 minute activist: Read Aloud Day 6 March 2013

Worldwide 793 million people still cannot read In countries such as Kenya, Nepal and America children are getting together and discovering the world of the written word. For many of them it is opening new doors, not only to the joy of reading but it is also building within themselves a sense of self worth, [...]

Tips on how to build bonds with boys

Steve Biddulph, author of Raising Boys and Generation Next speaker talks about the importance of giving boys different bonding experiences as they grow. He says that boys experience 3 main developmental stages as they go through life:   0-6 years old: bonding with mum and learning to love A recent study published in the journal [...]

Teens say social media a positive in their lives

For the vast majority of teens, using social-media sites and texting has become a part of daily life, but they still prefer communicating face-to-face, according to a survey released Tuesday. Overall, the teens who participated in the study painted a positive picture of the influence of social media on their relationships and self-image. More than [...]

Diet drinks linked with higher depression risk

Sweet beverages, and especially diet versions, could make you 30 per cent more depressed. Coffee, however, saves the day according to research by US scientists. The study was conducted by the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Cancer Institute. The research involved 265,000 people between the ages [...]

Teen smoking: 10 ways to keep teens smoke free

70% of smokers say they want to quit. Most smokers start when they are teenagers. Tobacco is addictive, out of the 3 million smokers in Australia, 70% want to quite but find the habit very hard to kick even though they are aware of the health risks. Saturday 1 December 2012, saw a new turning [...]

A weighty issue

A weighty issue…   Last week there was a call from prominent Australian doctor for schools to include students’ Body Mass Index (BMI) scores on their report cards.   The idea behind this is to “stimulate discussion” between parents, teachers and – presumably – kids about their health and in particular, their weight.   I [...]

By |2012-12-11T00:29:17+11:00December 7th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Experts call for mental illness screening for children

Leading mental health experts are calling for school children to be screened for risk of mental illnesses such as depression and have devised a test that reliably identifies those at high risk. The test can be done on a computer and could be used to alert doctors and psychologists to intervene early, said Barbara Sahakian [...]

Tips on how to encourage safe ‘risk taking’ in teenage boys

It seems that for boys ‘risk taking’ is all part of growing up and is needed to test their skills, strengths, weaknesses and independence in the world. Andrew Fuller, child psychologist and Generation Next speaker, says "We have a world that sanitises away risk, so that means risk becomes even more alluring. Boys are going [...]

Hot boys and recycling gender stereotypes

Girlfriend’s November issue is about boys. Sort of. It’s more about ‘hot’ celeb boys and recycling gender stereotypes. What do girl readers learn about the opposite sex? That they are, disgusting, fart, pee standing up and aren’t just “good for pashing”, they can also be “quite useful” (“they can fix all the things you accidently [...]

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