Mental Health

The Mental Health Consequences of Rape

With comments in the media about “legitimate rape” and surrounding myths, it becomes clear that more information needs to be spread about the actual definition of rape, how women truly suffer when they are raped, and the recovery methods available. via The Mental Health Consequences of Rape - Mental Health Article by Rheyanne Weaver.

By |2012-08-31T15:32:17+10:00August 31st, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Academic performance in early years has impact on mental health

Helping kids succeed in first grade may have a lasting mental-health benefit: Lower risk for depression in seventh grade and beyond. That’s the conclusion University of Missouri researchers arrived at after tracking 474 boys and girls from grammar school to middle school. It makes sense - and it’s just one more reason to help your [...]

Foods That Improve Your Mood

While Australian doctors, who last year wrote 13 million prescriptions* for antidepressants, appear unconvinced, there's increasing evidence that eating the right food can elevate your mood. Scientific research suggests that some vegetables, fruits and spices can affect the chemistry of the brain and act as mood enhancers, promoting calmness and a sense of well-being, while [...]

Children’s snoring linked to behavioural issues

Children who persistently snore during their early childhood may be more likely to have behavioral problems such as aggression and hyperactivity, according to a new study. Researchers studied 249 mother-child pairs and found the children who snored at both age 2 and age 3 were nearly 3.5 times more likely to have signs of behavioral [...]

10 minute activist: hits the Target and gets a bulls eye

  The power of one. For anyone who ever doubted the power of one voice and social media they only need look at the effect Gretta Hawkhead from Port Macquarie has had by posting a comment on the Facebook page of department store Target. This ‘accidental activist’ was not expecting such a huge positive response [...]

Women should eat red meat

Deakin University health researchers have found that eating less than the recommended amount of red meat is related to depression and anxiety in women. Associate Professor Felice Jacka and colleagues from Deakin’s Barwon Psychiatric Research Unit based at Barwon Health investigated the relationship between the consumption of beef and lamb and the presence of depressive [...]

“Drunkorexia” Is the New Form of Binge Drinking

Drunkorexia is when young women, and sometimes men, limit their amount of food consumption in order to reserve calories for consuming large amounts of alcohol at a time. According to Daniella Sieukaran, a graduate student at Simon Fraser University, who is currently pursuing a degree in a combined MA/PhD in clinical psychology, found this combination [...]

Top schools ban homework on weekends and holidays | Perth Now

AT least two of WA's top private schools have banned homework for younger children at weekends and during school holidays "to allow kids to just be kids". The policies are in line with international expert Phil Beadle, author, trainer, speaker and a former UK Teacher of the Year, who says the traditional form of homework [...]

Why so violent?

Is it me, or are our youth getting more violent? I don’t mean all our youth – of course – but it does seem to me that the kind of assaults kids get involved in are more violent now than say ten or twenty years ago.  If you know anything about me, you’ll know I’m [...]

Early junk food habit may impact IQ

Children who eat a healthy diet before the age of 2 years are more likely to have a higher IQ at age 8 years than those who eat a less healthy diet, show results published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. "Diet supplies the nutrients needed for the development of brain tissues in the first [...]

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