Mental Health

Sexting in the USA- New Survey Results

 The Crimes Against Children Research Center conducted two national surveys to develop a better understanding of sexting. The Third Youth Internet Safety Survey was a telephone survey done in 2010 with national sample of 1560 youth Internet users aged  10–17 years and their parents.  Almost 10% of youth (mostly girls aged 16–17 years) said they had "appeared [...]

Phones, Teens and Sleep

As we come to realise how important good quality sleep is for both health and education, we find that many teens are compromising on sleep in order to stay connected to friends via their mobile phones! Pillow talk wearing phone-obsessed teens out | Herald Sun.

Brain Development in a Hyper-Tech World

In the face of this nonstop barrage of technology-induced stimulation, a question on the minds of many parents, educators and scientists is: how is this affecting young brains? via Brain Development in a Hyper-Tech World - Dana Foundation.

20% of Young People Happy if Christmas Cancelled

A recent Headspace survey revealed how Australian young people felt about the recent christmas season: Only half of young people would be disappointed if Christmas got cancelled, while one in five would actually be relieved; One third said Chrismas made them feel worse than usual, while one third said it made them feel better, and one [...]

The Link Between Education and Wellbeing Begins in Early Childhood

research has established links between a lack of development of skills such as motivation and self-confidence in childhood and levels of criminal activity, teenage pregnancy and underachievement in education and employment later in life via When the best start in life turns out to be an early start.

Pituitary size linked to depression in youths

A new study has linked the size of the pituitary gland to the onset of early puberty and depression in young people. Orygen Youth Health (OYH) is Australia’s largest youth-focused mental health organisation.  They carried out research on 155 adolescents over a three year period. All participants were Melbourne high school students. The findings of [...]

The silent state of student suicides

The 2011 HSC results have just come out. For many it is the culmination of 2 years of hard work and a ticket to the university place of their dreams. For others it is a sore disappointment, with scores not high enough to win them that prized place. Kids with good resilience skills [...]

Australian develops app to help manage eating disorders

Image Source: Sydney Morning Herald The world of online apps is not just a playground for games and music. It also has a serious side that is beginning to have a positive effect within our community.  Australians are turning their attention to social needs and creating apps that help people. This includes Sydney [...]

Mental illness a significant issue with regard to our national wellbeing

Untreated mental illness and obesity were considered so significant that even accounting for the gains made elsewhere - in life expectancy and reducing preventable hospitalisations - health was an overall drag on our national wellbeing. via Happy to live longer but mental illness and obesity still need to be dealt with.

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