Mental Health

Trash or treasure: how do teenagers look in skin tight clothes?

The pressure for young women to look sexy and hot all the time is making them wear shorter, tighter and more revealing clothes. This is fuelled by the images of what is perceived ‘hot, sexy, successful and independent’ celebrities like Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian. All of whom are presented to impressionable teenagers [...]

A green hour a day keeps the doctor away

The great outdoors used to be the playground and learning place for many children.  However, with the introduction of new technologies and changing lifestyles, children are spending more and more time sitting still and interacting with a screen rather than with nature. Gone are the long hours of unstructured play mucking around in the backyard or [...]

The key to children succeeding is to teach them empathy

In a ‘me’ world where the media is constantly telling young people that they can be anything they want to be, or have anything they want to have, it is difficult for parents to teach a sense of ‘other’ to their children. In an effort to teach self esteem we have inadvertently installed a need [...]

Free Seminar: Generation Next – Public Parenting Seminar

This is a free seminar that is open to the public, especially parents and care givers. Seats are limited. You must register and have a ticket to gain entry. Where: St Mary’s College, Mary Street, Woodend, Ipswich QLD When: Sunday 22 May 2011 HOW TO GET A TICKET Phone The Base Youth Agency on 07 3818 [...]

How children become desensitised to violence and consider it normal

A recent study considered the longitudinal effects of exposing children to violence and aggressive behaviour.  It found that the more violence children are exposed to at a young age, the more they consider it to be normal behaviour and what’s more they are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour towards others. The study said [...]

Smoking pot can lead to mental health issues

Many people, including regular cannabis users, argue that there is no link between using cannabis and the onset of mental health issues later in life. However a longitudinal study spanning 10 years has now shown that new users of cannabis, especially young people, are more likely to develop psychotic symptoms than those who never used [...]

Protect our kids: Say No to child beauty pageants in Australia

Child beauty pageant company Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant is planning to hold a 'Child Beauty Pageant' in Melbourne, Australia, in July. Many psychologists and child development authorities agree that child beauty pageants are not in the best interest of healthy child development. A study conducted by Anna Wonderlich (2005) in the Journal of Treatment [...]

Alcohol at school fund raisers is a bad example

The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) recently sent out an open letter to all principals, urging alcohol NOT TO be included at school fund raisers. Dear Principal I am writing to you as Chairman of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) to formally seek your assistance and co-operation in not permitting the use, [...]

Does DrinkWise have the welfare of our young at heart?

Leading health organisations have criticised the alcohol industry’s DrinkWise organisation for involving young people in what appears to be largely a promotional exercise.  It seems that although DrinkWise claims to be ‘independent', they are in fact heavily involved with the alcohol industry.  DrinkWise is funded by the alcohol industry, and according to its website many [...]

How to safeguard your child’s childhood

Julie Gale, the founder of Kids Free 2B Kids, a website dedicated to letting children develop to their full potential; without exposure to sexualised imagery before they are developmentally ready to process it, recently spoke to the TODAY program on Channel 9 about the battle many parents face when trying to protect their children from [...]

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