mental illness

Major Depression Might Be Averted By Online Help

Credit: Syda Productions/Shutter Stock People who may be sliding toward depression might be able to prevent the full-blown disorder by completing some self-help exercises online, a new study suggests. Researchers found that men and women who had some symptoms of depression and used a web-based mental health program that was supported by an [...]

The Real Reasons You Procrastinate – And How To Stop

The secret mind tricks that keep you from getting stuff done. Photo: Getty Images Have you ever sat down to complete an important task -- and then suddenly discovered you were up loading the dishwasher or engrossed in the Wikipedia entry about Chernobyl? Or perhaps you suddenly realise that the dog needs to [...]

Yeast Infections Have Been Linked To Mental Illness

Shutter Stock Yeast infections are a relatively common occurrence these days, and are easily treatable. But new research has just revealed a tentative link between the Candida fungus and schizophrenia in men, and memory impairment in mentally ill women, which suggestes that this kind of infection might have a longer-lasting impact on the body than [...]

More Than Half Of Australian Infants Have Risk Factors For Adult Mental Illness

A study on mental health published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry reveals that one in 10 infants were born to mothers who consumed alcohol daily and two-thirds of children aged 12–13 years had parents who displayed low warmth or exhibited high hostility or anger. Photograph: Alamy More than half [...]

The Four Charts That Will Terrify You If You, Or Anyone You Love, Has A Mental Illness

Source: By Chitrapa at English Wikipedia For years doctors have complained about the serious underfunding of mental health services. The reason? Most people think it's because performing more surgeries and cutting waiting times in emergency departments wins elections, while making sure someone with schizophrenia is properly supported and medicated in the community doesn't. [...]

Cats And Mental Illness 

Shutterstock The association between cats and lunacy is a common one in pop culture. Think of James Bond’s villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Number 1) and his cat, or Inspector Gadget’s Doctor Claw and M.A.D. Cat; or think of Dr. Eleanor Abernathy, the Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons. Is it somehow stored in our collective unconscious that cats go [...]

Chronic Stress Could Lead To Depression And Dementia

Research has suggested that too much stress can lead to depression and dementia, Photo: Rex Features Too much stress in your life can ultimately lead to depression and dementia, scientists have warned. A major review of published research suggests that chronic stress and anxiety can damage areas of the brain involved in emotional [...]

‘Trivialising’ Responses Causing Youth Who Self-harm To Turn Backs On Medical Help

PHOTO: Nicole Juniper, a 19-year-old university student from Melbourne, began self-harming when she was 14. (ABC: Norman Hermant) Negative and damaging responses from front-line medical staff are a major reason why Australian youth self-harm rates are at "unacceptable" levels, researchers say. Key points: Orygen finds young people who self-harm still subject to stigma [...]

What Do We Do Now That Suicide Rates Among Young Women Are On The Rise?

The rate of suicide in women aged 15-24 has jumped by 50 per cent to 6.3 per 100,000, new figures have found. Photo: Stocksy Jack Heath remembers her this way: a single mum on a disability pension. She had two darling teenage daughters, and she tried to do some extra work because that's what [...]

Can Smoking Drive You Mad? Study Suggests It Might

"People with first episodes of psychosis were three times more likely to be smokers," said a statement from King's College London's Department of Psychosis Studies, which took part in the meta-analysis. "The researchers also found that daily smokers developed psychotic illness around a year earlier than non-smokers. "It has long been hypothesised that higher smoking [...]

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