mental illness

Proactive Grief Recovery: An ideal or a great idea?

With recent focus on emotional intelligence, it seems now is the perfect time to analyse whether we are doing enough in classrooms to support our children through the process of grief recovery. As an educator, I believe our Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Institutions should be implementing (PGR) Proactive Grief Recover - addressing grief related [...]

5 Signs Your Teen Needs Mental Health Treatment

Below are some ways to tell if your teen may need mental health treatment. Mood swings. How can you decipher a moody teen from a true set of mood swings that indicate mental illness? You know your child better than anyone else. Trust that you can recognize a shift in mood that is out of character [...]

What Happened to Psychiatry’s Magic Bullets?

The psychiatric-drug industry is in trouble. “We are facing a crisis,” the Cornell psychiatrist and New York Times contributor Richard Friedman warned last week. In the past few years, one pharmaceutical giant after another—GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi—has shrunk or shuttered its neuroscience research facilities. Clinical trials have been halted, lines of research abandoned, [...]

Life expectancy for people with mental illness the same as 30 years ago

A damning report has found the life expectancy for people suffering from a mental illness has not improved in 30 years. The finding is in stark contrast to the advances made for Australians suffering from illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Mental health expert Professor John Mendoza co-authored the report, which looks at mental illness [...]

Girl Mag Watch Dolly July 2013

Dolly tackles binge drinking, abusive relationships and cyber attacks Melinda Tankard Reist Sometimes I wonder if one girl’s mag gets wind of what another is up to and copies it. In this case it’s a good thing, with Dolly also running a feature on binge drinking. I commended Girlfriend for a strong piece on “liquid [...]

Childhood Trauma- ‘The single greatest preventable cause of mental illness’

"Childhood trauma, in public health, is probably considered today the single greatest preventable cause of mental illness," Dr. Ken Spiegelman, a Manchester pediatrician, told an audience of school nurses at a recent training session on trauma. The presentation included this quote, from Dr. Steven Sharfstein, former president of the American Psychiatric Association: "Trauma is to [...]

Study Finds Genetic Risk Factors Shared by 5 Psychiatric Disorders

The psychiatric illnesses seem very different — schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, major depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Yet they share several genetic glitches that can nudge the brain along a path to mental illness, researchers report. Which disease, if any, develops is thought to depend on other genetic or environmental factors. via Study Finds [...]

Facebook With Care: Social Networking Site Can Hurt Self-Esteem | Depression, Achievement & Social Comparison

According to three new studies, Facebook can be tough on mental health, offering an all-too-alluring medium for social comparison and ill-advised status updates. And while adding a friend on the social networking site can make people feel cheery and connected, having a lot of friends is associated with feeling worse about one's own life. The [...]

U.S. mental health experts urge focus on early detection and treatment

The U.S. mental health system has huge gaps that prevent millions of people with psychological problems, including children and teens, from receiving effective treatment that could prevent tragic consequences, experts told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday. Just over a month after the shooting rampage in Newtown, Connecticut, experts told a Senate hearing that three-quarters of mental [...]

Cannabis and the Adolescent Brain

For some time, people have known that using cannabis during adolescence increases the risk of developing cognitive impairment and mental illness (e.g. depression, anxiety or schizophrenia) later in life. Importantly however, the mechanisms responsible for this vulnerability are not well understood. A new study, published in Brain, shows that long-term cannabis use that starts during [...]

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