mental illness

Do Screens Make Psychotic Adults?

Flickr Images Do your work responsibilities and recreational choices involve a lot of computer use? Are you in the habit of updating social media through the day? Are you finding it weirdly difficult to concentrate on this paragraph? If the answer to all three questions was in the affirmative, this might not be [...]

Telemedicine May Work As Well As In-person Visits For Depression

Flickr Images Treating depression with video conference calls may offer symptom improvement similar to in-person visits, a recent U.S. study suggests. Even though depression affects roughly one in 10 Americans and is a leading cause of death and disability, close to half of patients with depression don’t get treatment, researchers note in the [...]

Your Smartphone Knows A Lot About You, But What About Your Mental Health?

Flickr Images Smartphones come with an assortment of sensors that can track behaviours such as our internet search and browse history, where we go, what music we listen to, who we speak to, just to name a few. The habitual nature of people means this data could be used to give insight into [...]

Young Australians Believe Mental Health Is One Of The Top Three Issues Facing The Country

Pixabay Images Young people have put the spotlight on mental health in a new survey, naming it as one of the top three issues facing Australia. Mission Australia's Youth Survey this year found concerns about mental health across the country have doubled since 2011. About 22,000 young people aged 15 to 19 took [...]

The Emotional Life Of Men: ‘You’ll Be Alright’ Isn’t Enough Anymore

Pixabay Images When I was 18, I started to feel tired. It was this unending languor, clouding my emotions, hiding my motivation and affecting my concentration. I felt permanently drunk. At the same time, I started to become uneasy; butterflies in my stomach and panic became the norm. “You’re in the middle of [...]

What Is Exposure Therapy And How Can It Treat Social Anxiety?

Flickr Images Most of us experience a level of social anxiety at some point in our lives. We worry about what people think of us, about being excluded, about being judged or humiliated. Social anxiety is characterised by an excessive fear of negative evaluation or judgement, triggered by social or performance situations. For [...]

How Exercise Might Keep Depression At Bay

Flickr Images Exercise may be an effective treatment for depression and might even help prevent us from becoming depressed in the first place, according to three timely new studies. The studies pool outcomes from past research involving more than one million men and women and, taken together, strongly suggest that regular exercise alters our [...]

This Might Be Why Depression Is Rising Among Teen Girls

Flickr Images There has been a significant climb in the prevalence of major depression among adolescents and young adults in recent years - and the troubling trend may be strongest in teenage girls, according to a new study. After analyzing the data, researchers discovered that the prevalence of major depressive episodes over a [...]

Study Reveals Role Of Spleen In Prolonged Anxiety After Stress

Scientists are uncovering clues to what might be unfolding in the relationship between the brain and immune system in those who suffer from long-term repercussions of stress. New research details those connections, specifically that an abundance of white blood cells in the spleen could be sending messages to the brain that result in behavioral changes [...]

How ‘Psychobiotics’ Use Gut Bacteria To Treat Mental Illness

Getty Images Researchers have long known that the bacteria living in your gut can “talk” to your brain. Gut microbes, which collectively make up what’s called the gut microbiome, can have a significant impact on mood and cognition ― leading experts to deem the microbiome a new frontier in neuroscience. Now, the challenge for [...]

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