mental illness

Anti-inflammatory Drugs Can Relieve Symptoms Of Depression

Pixabay Images Is depression caused by an inflamed brain? A review of studies looking at inflammation and depression has found that a class of anti-inflammatory drugs can ease the condition’s symptoms. Fatigue link? The most commonly used anti-depressant drugs, known as SSRIs, act to increase levels of serotonin in the brain, to improve [...]

Gus Worland’s New TV Show Man Up Tackles Taboo Subject of Male Suicide

Picture: Annika Enderborg Media personality Gus Worland has revealed the very personal story of a mate’s suicide on the ABC series Man Up. Worland’s friend, Angus Roberts, killed himself on the day of his son’s final HSC exam — a planned suicide that no one saw coming. The father-of-three said Aussie men have [...]

‘We’ve Had As Much Awareness As We Can Take’: Fighting Symptoms Of Mental Illness Not Just Stigma

Getty Images I’m so tired of mental health stigma. It’s everywhere these days. The Mental Health Foundation of Australia wants us to fight stigma. SANE Australia wants us to “say no” to stigma. Beyond Blue would like us to not only reduce stigma, but increase wisdom. And across the internet, untold legions of [...]

Why We Need To Talk About Anxiety & ‘High-functioning Depression’

Pixabay Images I remember sitting down with my friend at the beginning of 2016, opening up to her about my depression and anxiety. It scared me because I didn’t know where it came from, why I had it, and when it would go away. But as I sat with my friend, opening up about [...]

Mental Illness Awareness: 6 Myths About Mental Illness You Need To Unlearn

Pixabay Images Conversations about mental health are still "hush" as we debate what constitutes a healthy mind. This often leads to preconceived notions of mental illness, and the stigmatization of sufferers. MYTH #1: MENTAL ILLNESS IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS. Fact: People who are afflicted with mental illness are not weak. Rather, an [...]

A Single Concussion May Have A Lasting Impact

Getty Images A single concussion experienced by a child or teenager may have lasting repercussions on mental health and intellectual and physical functioning throughout adulthood, and multiple head injuries increase the risks of later problems, according to one of the largest, most elaborate studies to date of the impacts of head trauma on [...]

‘Selfie Culture’ Puts Young Women At Highest ‘Mental Health Risk’

Pixabay Images Soaring numbers of young women are suffering mental health problems and self-harm as a “selfie culture” heaps pressures on girls, new research suggests. More than one quarter of women aged between 16 and 24 are suffering from symptoms of common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, according to a [...]

This Is The Time Of Day When Psychotherapy Is Most Effective

Flickr Images One thing to keep in mind when you’re scheduling a doctor’s appointment: All signs point to morning as the best time to be a patient. It has less to do with the doctors and everything to do with the patients’ hormone levels. Past research has shown that levels of the stress [...]

82% Of Australians Say Loneliness Is Increasing

Milos Kreckovic/Getty Images Are you lonely? Chances are, according to a Lifeline survey, the answer is yes – but you’re unwilling to talk about it. The national survey, released on Tuesday, found about 60% of the 3,100 respondents said they “often felt lonely” and 82.5% said they felt loneliness was increasing in society, [...]

Why Isn’t There A Gene For Depression?

Pixabay Images Depression is sometimes categorised as a mental, rather than a physical illness – as though somehow mental health is different from physical health. But the brain is not a magical black box inside your head. It is an organ, just like the heart or lungs, made up of cells and supplied [...]

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