
Why Emotional Turmoil in Adolescence is Normal

I care deeply about young people and have done since I too was a moody, often confused adolescent who made some big, sometimes life-threatening, mistakes. The development of the physical body together with sexual urges, novelty seeking behaviours, rapidly changing moods and emotional states make adolescence a very interesting time. The developing pre-frontal lobe affects [...]

By |2019-01-07T16:11:12+11:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Building Kids Social Media User Skills

Today's teens have a reputation for being accomplished, fluent, and effective social media users. But they learn these skills the way we learn most life lessons: through trial and error, by making mistakes and learning from the outcomes. While these trial-and-error experiences can be educational in many contexts, social media makes trials public and errors difficult to [...]

Why Our Brain Thrives On Mistakes

A Growing Brain vs. a Static Brain A body of research that began in 2011 suggests that this aversion to mistakes can be a cause of poor learning habits. The research suggested that those of us who have a “growth mindset”—believing that intelligence is malleable—pay more attention to mistakes and treat them as a wake-up [...]

6 Silly Mistakes You Make In The Pursuit Of Happiness

Photo: Digital Vision Be happy. Do you get confused by that. I mean, happiness. You’re told to be happy no matter what. Everywhere you find advice on happiness. Books promising to deliver true happiness. Blog posts telling you do this and you’ll be happy. Friends and family telling you to add happiness on [...]

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