
Is Exercise “Useless” In Treating Depression?

The publication of a new study in the BMJ on 6 June triggered a flurry of headlines suggesting that "exercise doesn't help depression". However, reducing the study's specific, detailed findings to a media-friendly sound bite has run the risk of misleading people, because the researchers did not set out to test the effect of exercise on depression. [...]

Childhood Obesity Can Lead To Learning Problems

A new study published online in the journal Pediatrics this week finds that children suffering from obesity had poorer scores on thinking tests, mirroring results from a similar study done with adults. Researchers called the results important and reinforced that being overweight as a child is not to be taken lightly. via Childhood Obesity Can [...]

New Report: Playing video games increases risk of obesity in teenagers

18% of US teen are obese* A recent study carried out in the US, Video game playing increases food intake in adolescents: a randomized crossover study, has found that trends in video game playing parallel obesity rates on a population basis. In the first such study of this kind, Canadian and Danish researchers tested their [...]

Dining at your desk can pile on the pounds

A study, Playing a computer game during lunch affects fullness, memory for lunch, and later snack intake, which was recently published in America has examined the connection between eating while distracted and still, with putting on weight. The researchers took 44 people and split them into 2 groups. One group was served lunch while playing [...]

Want to live longer? Keep your cup half full

A review recently undertaken by psychology Professor Ed Diener of the University of Illinois in America, has reported that people with a more relaxed disposition and who see their cup as 'half full' rather than half empty, are more likely to live longer, happier and less stressed lives. The review of more than 160 studies [...]

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