
Why Do Some People Have a Pessimistic View About Everything?

Our brains are wired differently and this is the reason why we think, dream and behave in a particular way without being a clone of each other. The brain is the organ which is responsible for inducing one’s perception and outlook on life. It is the functioning of this organ that makes certain people have [...]

8 Tips For Raising an Optimistic, Glass-Half-Full Kid

I'm a complete optimist. Inherently, I believe that everything will always work out for the best, tough times will always transition to better days, and hard work and intelligent planning will always lead to success. I credit my glass-half-full way of thinking to both a natural personality trait and my even more optimistic mother. Call her [...]

By |2018-02-12T09:51:54+11:00February 9th, 2018|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

3 Ways to Help Hope Grow in Teens

Think of two teenagers you have regular contact with: one who is resilient and happy, and one who is struggling and languishing. Imagine you are interviewing each of them, and you ask them to respond to each of these six questionnaire items: 1. I think I am doing pretty well 2. I can think of [...]

7 Strategies To Optimise Optimism In Teens – And Why It Matters

"If you can get through year 8 and year 9, you can get through anything." That's a saying I share with students, teachers, and parents alike. These are tough years for many students, and if school is not a positive experience for them, they can feel hopeless. Hopelessness - believing things are bad and are [...]

Optimism associated with lower risk of heart failure

Optimistic older adults who see the glass as half full appear to have a reduced risk of developing heart failure. Researchers from the University of Michigan and Harvard University found that optimism—an expectation that good things will happen—among people age 50 and older significantly reduced their risk of heart failure. Compared to the least optimistic [...]

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