
Girl Mag Watch Girlfriend March 2013

Important articles on the dangers of sexting and pressures on girls to deliver oral sex There are two really important and timely articles in this issue. ‘The Sext files’, is straightforward and honest with readers about the risks of sexting. A recent GF survey found one in four readers have sent a sext. Personal stories [...]

40% Of High School Students Chronically Disengaged

Too often, strategies that adults use to boost student achievement — such as raising academic standards and giving high-stakes standardized exams — do not address the real reasons why students are disengaged. Even the most dedicated teachers and parents may be sending messages that leave children believing they don’t have what it takes to succeed. [...]

Last week was Safer Internet Day

It seems that the Internet is a constant source of stress for parents, particularly in regard to three main things.  Telstra released a report last week that stated Aussie kids spent on average, two hours per day online, and this was relatively high when compared to the rest of the world. The amount of time [...]

Parental Stress Linked To Childrens Depression

Children today are more depressed than they were at the height of the Great Depression, researchers say, and second-hand stress is a major culprit.One survey of 1000 children in West Australia, found 35 per cent of the respondents had "too much stress" in their lives and highlighted family conflict as a significant source of this [...]

Ten tips to help parents redefine their role in serving alcohol to teenagers

  10 tips for parents around teen binge drinking. By Collett Smart The wrestling that occurs in the mind of a teenager when they feel the pressure of peers to drink is enormous. However, when an adult serves up alcohol at a teenage party, this communicates to teens that the adult is both condoning and [...]

Parents as friends rather than mentors, the mental health consequences

Here I was, seeing the flesh-and-blood results of the kind of parenting that my peers and I were trying to practice with our own kids, precisely so that they wouldn’t end up on a therapist’s couch one day. We were running ourselves ragged in a herculean effort to do right by our kids—yet what seemed [...]

By |2012-08-17T19:29:59+10:00April 14th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , |0 Comments
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