peer pressure

Operation Unite a Success but drinking culture still a big problem

For as long as alcohol fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour continue within Australian society because of our drinking culture, it will be necessary to carry out initiatives like Operation Unite. Operation Unite lasted over 2 nights in early May in the city of Knox and Syndham in Melbourne and regionally in Bendigo and Shepparton. Deputy [...]

Free Seminar: Generation Next – Public Parenting Seminar

This is a free seminar that is open to the public, especially parents and care givers. Seats are limited. You must register and have a ticket to gain entry. Where: St Mary’s College, Mary Street, Woodend, Ipswich QLD When: Sunday 22 May 2011 HOW TO GET A TICKET Phone The Base Youth Agency on 07 3818 [...]

Kids confused about sexualised messages in advertising

Dr Joe Tucci raised a very interesting question recently in his article; Dad, how do you make sex last longer? What kind of affect is sexualised advertising having on young children? Is it indeed shaping their understanding and acceptance of what the grown-ups world is all about? Dr Joe Tucci is no stranger to dealing [...]

Tips to keep kids free from possession obsession

In a survey of youth aged 8-18, nearly 1 in 4 said they felt “addicted” to video games.* In The USA the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) recently organised Screen-Free week. It was designed to get young people away from the influences of commercialism and back to enjoying life ‘brand’ free. Here are some tips [...]

Protect our kids: Say No to child beauty pageants in Australia

Child beauty pageant company Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant is planning to hold a 'Child Beauty Pageant' in Melbourne, Australia, in July. Many psychologists and child development authorities agree that child beauty pageants are not in the best interest of healthy child development. A study conducted by Anna Wonderlich (2005) in the Journal of Treatment [...]

How to safeguard your child’s childhood

Julie Gale, the founder of Kids Free 2B Kids, a website dedicated to letting children develop to their full potential; without exposure to sexualised imagery before they are developmentally ready to process it, recently spoke to the TODAY program on Channel 9 about the battle many parents face when trying to protect their children from [...]

Protect our teenagers: say NO to bullying

It is estimated that 25% of school children suffer at the hands of some kind of bullying to the degree that it affects their mental health and wellbeing. Friday 18 March marked Australia’s first annual community awareness campaign to address bullying. This national initiative puts the spotlight on bystander behaviour. Bullying is not just a [...]

Fame and fortune destroys Cyrus family life

Billy Ray Cyrus regrets the fame and fortune his daughter, Miley, found on the Disney TV show Hannah Montana. He credits the fame, fortune and lifestyle that her celebrity status has led to as a major factor in the breakdown of his own marriage and the destruction of his family life. He told GQ Magazine [...]

Teenage Kicks: violent relationships have now become the 'norm'

Useful link: BBC Radio 4 regularly broadcasts Teenage Kicks which looks at youth issues. Go to BBC Radio 4 to check out when it next airs While researching a BBC Radio 4 documentary for the program Teenage Kicks, producer Lizz Pearson uncovered some very disturbing views held by teenagers regarding what is and is not [...]

Landmark Report: exploitation and violence in teenage relationships

In september 2009 Bristol University and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK completed a ground breaking report Partner exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. The report explored the issues of exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. It provides a detailed picture of the incidence and [...]

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