
Soft porn too visible at the sweet shop counter

Generation Next founder Dr Ramesh Manocha and Generation Next seminar speakers Julie Gale (Director Kids Free 2B Kids) and Dr Michael Carr-Gregg (Author and Child & Adolescent Psychologist) were among experts and public figures who signed a letter which was recently sent to the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Censorship Ministers. Other key figures included: The [...]

Important new review "Sexualisation of Young People"

A recent review commissioned by the Home Secretary and published in the UK by Dr Linda Papadopoulos, “Sexualisation of Young People” has put the spotlight on the sexualisation of children and teenagers within our society. It has brought to light growing trends that are both alarming and insidious. The continued de-sensitisation to the sexualisation of [...]

Study: sexting not as common as thought

An American study of sexting, the practice for teens to send nude or near-nude images of themselves via mobile phones, in 12-17 year olds found that the practice is not as common as widely believed. While the study found that 15% of teens with their own mobile phones have received sexts, only 4% had reported [...]

Airbrushed images

Two images depicting women digitally edited to look unrealistically skinny have been making waves in the media recently. In the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney an advertisement for Ralph Lauren with an unrealistically skinny model is displayed. The model in the picture has had her waist significantly reduced to make her appear much smaller, as [...]

Generation Next at your school

We are currently in the process of planning the 2010 Generation Next series. Thanks to your feedback we have learned a lot of lessons about how best to run the events and use the limited financial and other resources available to us. Importantly, in 2010 we would like to explore the possibility of running the [...]

A message from Julie Gale

Issues like the sexualisation and abuse of children aren't humorous. They are serious. The Cotton On store declared in August that it would remove inappropriate slogan t-shirts after public pressure from around Australia and New Zealand - including comments from child development professionals, calling for the removal of the slogan t-shirts. Today in The Herald [...]

Book recommendation: Getting Real

Prominent Australian author and speaker Melinda Tankard Reist recently published a collection of essays on the topics of the sexualisation of girls in Australia. This important book features articles from author Steve Biddulph, Playschool presenter Noni Hazlehurst and Generation Next speaker Julie Gale. We strongly recommend this book and invite you to leave your comments [...]

Putting the ‘S’ into texting

‘Sexting’, the sending and receiving of sexually explicit images via mobile phones or other applications such as instant messaging, email or through social networking sites has, until recently, gone largely unreported. What is concerning about the activity is its rapidly increasing popularity. It was often an extension of ‘I’ll show you mine if you show [...]

What is self-objectification?

Sexualisation is not a problem about sex and sexuality, it is about turning people into objects - which does real harm to girls in obvious ways. Self-objectification is a key process of sexualisation whereby girls learn to think of and treat their own bodies as objects of others’ desires. In self-objectification, girls internalise an observer’s [...]

Children and the internet: are kids safe online?

A third of children aged 8 to 12 use the internet on a daily basis and this figure rises to half for teenagers, while at least 90% of Australian homes with children have an internet connection. The top three most popular online activities for children are instant messaging, surfing, and email, and many children are [...]

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