
Music, art or soft porn?

It seems suddenly everyone is noticing that the video clips on offer today are basically glorified porn depicting the sexualisation of women covered in a thin veil of being an artistic music clip. For some time now experts have been voicing their concerns about the consequences of such blatant imagery on young people. Julie Gale, [...]

Boys forfeit their right to innocence as sexualisation takes hold

We have been reading about the sexualisation of girls for some time now, however this worrying trend is now also affecting young boys. The market is being flooded with products loaded with attitude aimed at toddler aged boys and upwards.  A recent Huggies ad featured a toddler in a denim-print nappy and button-down oxford shirt [...]

Book Review: Pornland, How Porn has Hijacked our Sexuality

By Professor Gail Dines Teens raised on porn have trouble with the real thing. Gail Dines is a professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College in Boston. Her latest book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality looks at how a generation bought up with hardcore porn is now finding it difficult to [...]

Children imitating raunchy pop star moves

Over the past decade video clips and songs have become more explicit. Images and lyrics are now overtly sexual rather than implied. The worst offenders in the music world,  and those who seem to influence young people the most, are Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Snoop Dogg, Pussycat Dolls and Usher. The effects of [...]

Porn seen as the norm by some teenagers

Summer is just around the corner and many teenagers are already thinking about surf, sand and summer holidays. For a growing number of teenage girls this means waxing unwanted hair from their legs and underarms. However there is now a growing trend for girls to also have Brazilian waxes. According to experts there are 2 [...]

A game of chase in the playground with sex thrown in

Brightly coloured jelly bracelets have been around since the 1980’s and used to be worn by the youth of that generation. However, today in many playgrounds around the country they are now taking on a more sinister nature as they grow in popularity with primary school children. With a new name and meaning; ‘shag bands’ [...]

Primary school students on Facebook leads to cyber abuse

Officially Facebook does not allow anyone under the age of 13 to have an account; however this does not seem to be stopping an increasing number of primary school students from joining the social networking site. The consequences of children who are too young to fully understand the implications of sharing information in cyber space [...]

Popular culture, pop songs and pornography

At the centre of popular culture lies popular (pop) music, it has always been the music of the next generation, as young people come into their own they begin to express themselves through their clothes, interests, friends and music. In modern times, the mass media has become a major instrument for the spread and dissemination [...]

Website carries ads selling sex

The online classified ads website Craigslist set up by American Mr. Craig Newmark, which has classified advertisements all around the world including Australia has been accused of posting ads that sell sex. The ‘adult services’ section on his website is used by many people who deal in human trafficking and pimps who place ads which [...]

Generation Next: Special Update

headspace is supporting this series of national seminars relating to the health and wellbeing of young people. The next Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People 2010 Seminar will be held in Sydney on Friday September 10, 2010 WHAT: Topics this year include major and current issues Cyber-bullying Drugs and Alcohol Body Image & Eating [...]

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