Positive Psychology

An obituary worth reading

We grew up in the very best time to grow up in the history of America. The best music, muscle cars, cheap gas, fun kegs, buying a car for "a buck a year" - before Salt Lake got ruined by over population and Lake Powell was brand new. TV was boring back then, so we [...]

Age of Anxiety: Are We ‘Pathologizing’ Normal Emotion?

In 1994, a study asking a random sample of thousands of Americans about their mental health reported that 15 percent had ever suffered from anxiety disorders. A 2009 study of people interviewed about their anxiety repeatedly for years raised that estimate to 49.5 percent - which would be 117 million U.S. adults. Some psychiatrists say [...]

Macca’s website breached ad rules

CHILDREN'S advocates are claiming a victory in the fast-growing world of online marketing to kids, with McDonald's found in breach of industry standards over a website.  The Advertising Standards Bureau upheld the Cancer Council's complaint about the Happy Meal website, finding that it had breached several clauses of the voluntary code for advertising to children, [...]

Who’s the Parent?

For years there has been a line – albeit a semi-permanent, movable, sometimes defined, sometimes less so line – separating the role of teacher and parent. The term “in loco parentis” is used to define schools duty of care.  Often schools will offer parent information nights, offering advice on how best to meet the needs [...]

Hitting, slapping tied to later mental disorders

People who remember being pushed, slapped and hit as children are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety and personality disorders later in life, a new study suggests.   Canadian researchers estimated between two and seven percent of those mental disorders might be due to punishments inflicted in childhood, not including more severe forms [...]


There's been," says Abi Moore, a 38-year-old freelance television producer, "a wholesale pinkification of girls. It's everywhere; you can't escape it. And it needs to change. It sells children a lie – that there's only one way to be a 'proper girl' – and it sets them on a journey, at a very, very early [...]

Bully Psychology: Where Evolution And Morality Collide

In the most basic terms, bullying is about dominating – and we come from ancestors who were big into the dominance hierarchy. As Christopher Boehm, PhD, who literally wrote the book on it (Moral Origins), says, “Any species that has a social dominance hierarchy, like apes or monkeys or wild dogs or lions, has bullies.” [...]

Teenager leads successful petition to portray girls truthfully in teen magazines

Facing pressure from teen girls demanding truthful images of young women, Seventeen magazine has vowed to "celebrate every kind of beauty" and feature only photographs of real girls and models who are healthy.  Editor-in-chief Ann Shoket made the announcement in her editor's letter in the August issue, and her note marks a major triumph for [...]

Cosmetic surgery and parental insanity

Bras, braces, makeup are all rites of passage for many teen girls. But if you're a member of the Marshall family, so are boob jobs. Britney Marshall, a 14-year-old from Nottinghamshire, England, is the youngest girl of the Marshall family and the only one without breast implants. Her mother, Chantal Marshall, told the Sun, "Britney [...]

Facebook Study Explains Why We Still Spend So Many Hours Stalking Each Other

Researchers Daniel Hunt, Archana Krishnan, and David Atkin found that, “The entertainment motive was shown to be the most powerful predictor of how much time participants spent on Facebook,” per WebProNews. In basic terms, this means that during the study, Facebook was most often used when subjects were bored, opposed to connecting with individuals to [...]

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