Positive Psychology

Lynx, Unilever continue use of sexualised messages

Melinda Tankard Reist said the advertisement ''hit the jackpot: it's sexist, racist and ageist''. Ms Tankard Reist said she was aware it was designed to provoke outrage. ''We're not stupid,'' she told The Sun-Herald.''We understand what their tactics are but the option of silence is unacceptable.'' via Outrage as Lynx aims below the belt again.

Too many soft drinks ruining our children’s sleep

ONE in five Australian prep students is getting a daily caffeine hit from consuming soft drinks after school, a shock new study has found. Parents have been called "lazy and neglectful" for giving children as young as five regular doses of caffeine-laden cola drinks, sports drinks and energy drinks. A Murdoch Children's Research Institute study [...]

Prescription drug misuse

Younger people carry little or no stigma about using medications casually to solve their problems. This is further borne out by a 2011 Canadian study that found for people under 25, prescription drugs are the third most popular form of drug use, after alcohol and marijuana. via Plague of dodgy prescriptions puts illicit drugs in [...]

How to age well: Let go of regrets

The poem “Maud Muller” by John Greenleaf Whittier aptly ends with the line, “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’” What if you had gone for the risky investment that you later found out made someone else rich, or if you had had the guts [...]

The decline of the West

It is easy and natural to think of the woes of the West's main powers as an economic problem. Because that's the way it is presented to us. And it is economic - at least, superficially. But if you take a step back, what we're really living through is the decline of the West.It's not [...]

The pressures of kindergarten

I read an article a week ago in Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph that really hit a nerve. The article reported that ‘Fearful parents are unnecessarily sending pre-schoolers to early learning classes to give them an academic edge,’ and that ‘Some schools and teachers are also contributing to a sense that children are "failing" kindergarten, and becoming [...]

Kids and Tech: Parenting Tips for the Digital Age

Parents had enough to worry about before their children could bully each other online, meet dangerous strangers without leaving the house, and switch between tasks at a rapid-fire pace. Some parents have even questioned whether their children will ever be able to concentrate. In a world where, according to one survey, 81% of toddlers have [...]

A Facebook crime every 40 minutes

A crime linked to Facebook is reported to police every 40 minutes.Last year, officers logged 12,300 alleged offences involving the vastly popular social networking site.Facebook was referenced in investigations of murder, rape, child sex offences, assault, kidnap, death threats, witness intimidation and fraud. via A Facebook crime every 40 minutes: 12,300 cases are linked to [...]

Premature babies twice as prone to mental disorders

Babies born at 36 weeks gestation or earlier had double the chance of being admitted to hospital for mental disorders as those born on term, while those born at 32 weeks or earlier had three times the risk, a study found. Previous research had indicated preterm babies were more likely to have behavioural problems at [...]

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