
Pregnant women continuing to drink alcohol despite warnings from medical experts

Some women are continuing to drink alcohol while pregnant despite warnings from medical experts, research shows. via Pregnant women continuing to drink alcohol despite warnings from medical experts - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

Media, minds and neuroscience: the developing brain in a media-rich environment

The development of the human brain is fascinating. We see a huge migration of cells to various parts of the developing brain in the second trimester of pregnancy, and in the early years after birth the infant brain grows in density and wires up in response to what is seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt and [...]

5 tips to prevent teenagers from taking up smoking

Most adult smokers begin smoking during adolescence. They quickly become addicted and most struggle to quit for decades afterwards. Prevention in the early years can prevent this battle from even starting. Here are 5 strategies that can help:   1. Avoid that first cigarette Young people vastly underestimate the addictive potential of smoking and think [...]

Junk food in pregnancy and mental health of children

EATING junk food while pregnant has been linked to serious behavioural problems in children, according to a groundbreaking Geelong study. The Deakin University study, which was undertaken at the IMPACT strategic research centre at Barwon Health, is the first of its kind that shows a clear link between diet in pregnancy, early childhood and mental [...]

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy associated with lower IQ

Today The Lancet published a paper looking at the relationship between iodine deficiency during pregnancy and children’s mental development. The study included 1000 mothers and their children and found that iodine deficiency in pregnancy may have an adverse effect on children’s mental development. The researchers measured the iodine concentration in urine samples taken in the [...]

Flu in pregnancy may quadruple child’s risk for bipolar disorder

Pregnant mothers' exposure to the flu was associated with a nearly fourfold increased risk that their child would develop bipolar disorder in adulthood, in a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The findings add to mounting evidence of possible shared underlying causes and illness processes with schizophrenia, which some studies have also linked [...]

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy may adversely affect children’s mental development

A study of around 1,000 UK mothers and their children, published in The Lancet, has revealed that iodine deficiency in pregnancy may have an adverse effect on children's mental development. The research raises concerns that the iodine status of pregnant women is a public health issue that needs to be addressed. via Iodine deficiency during [...]

Stress and Pregnancy

The placenta of a pregnant woman absorbs more than just nutrition and oxygen, a new study has found. Researchers, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that stress is transmitted to the placenta, altering the levels of a protein that affects brain development in the foetus. The authors of the paper, published online yesterday in the [...]

Ministers and industry watering down pregnancy alcohol warning labels

Inaction, confusion and lack of direction has led to doubts about the federal government's commitment to introduce mandatory pregnancy health warnings for all alcohol by December next year. The alcohol industry has written to the Australian and New Zealand ministers responsible for food and beverage regulation outlining action they have taken to introduce pregnancy warning [...]

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