
Australian Students Lack Skills To Cope With Life’s Problems

More than half of Australian students lack the skills to deal with life's difficulties, a survey has found, with many citing depression, stress and a lack of confidence. The study of more than 16,000 students in years 4 through to 12 by Resilient Youth Australia, a not-for-profit organisation promoting the mental health of young people, [...]

How marketers use psychology to influence what we buy

Did you know that the information provided by a salesperson wearing a red sweater seems more accurate than information provided by a shop assistant in blue? Or that women are more likely to be interested in a service they hear advertised by a man with a creaky voice than a woman with a creaky voice? [...]

By |2014-08-22T05:59:19+10:00August 17th, 2014|Categories: Science & Research, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Parents Are Having Much Farther Reaching Effects Than They Know

We were pretty good at keeping computers and televisions out of bedrooms, but as technology developed we somehow missed that phones and tablets ARE computers. One of the main conversations I have with parents is about their exhaustion at parenting with so many devices in the home. Parents feel out of control. At my seminars [...]

Seven Things All Mentally Tough People Avoid

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between mental toughness and self-control. To achieve those long-term goals there are things mentally tough people avoid. In all of these different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a predictor for success. It wasn't social intelligence, good looks, IQ, or physical health. It was "grit," which the dictionary [...]

Human friendships based on genetic similarities

The tendency of people to forge friendships with people of a similar appearance has been noted since the time of Plato. But now there is research suggesting that, to a striking degree, we tend to pick friends who are genetically similar to us in ways that go beyond superficial features. For example, you and your [...]

5 tricks stores use to make you spend more money

The man whose job it is to advise companies on how best to sell you things recently wrote an article for Business Insider, ‘How to get someone to buy something’, revealing every trick in the book when it comes to consumer manipulation. The best sales people have mastered the following five things. - Kathleen Lee Joe [...]

Empathy May Be Genetic

Do you jump to help the less fortunate, cry during sad movie scenes or tweet and post the latest topics and photos that excite or move you? If yes, you may be among the 20 percent of our population that is genetically predisposed to empathy. - Stony Brook Univ. via Empathy May Be Genetic.

Preschoolers Are Able To Do Algebra

Millions of high school and college algebra students are united in a shared agony over solving for x and y, and for those to whom the answers don’t come easily, it gets worse: Most preschoolers and kindergarteners can do some algebra before even entering a math class. In a recently published study in the journal [...]

One in 13 US schoolkids takes psych meds

More than 7 percent of American schoolchildren are taking at least one medication for emotional or behavioral difficulties, a new government report shows. Apparently, the medications are working: More than half of the parents said the drugs are helping their children, according to the report. - Serena Gordon   via One in 13 US schoolkids takes [...]

Genetic Basis Of Procrastination And Dawdling

A new study has found that procrastination has genetic links. The research could help scientists understand the evolution of dawdling. The study conducted by researchers at University of Colorado Boulder shows that the tendency to procrastinate has genetic roots. The research explains why some people are more likely than other to dawdle and why these [...]

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