
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught?

“Something we now know, from doing dozens of studies, is that emotions can either enhance or hinder your ability to learn,” Marc Brackett, a senior research scientist in psychology at Yale University, told a crowd of educators at a conference last June. “They affect our attention and our memory. If you’re very anxious about something, [...]

Why we can’t help finishing off the whole can of Pringles

Richard Lowe, professor of psychology at Drexel University in Philadelphia, says neuroimaging studies have shown that in the presence of high-fat, high-sugar or high salt food, areas of the brain related to pleasure ‘‘light up’’, in a similar way to the brain changes seen in drug or alcohol addicts. The release of dopamine, a chemical [...]

Dads with smaller testicles are better fathers, study shows

Men who have smaller testes are more likely to be better dads to their toddlers, according to a study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers from Emory University in Georgia set out to determine why some fathers invest more energy in parenting than others, after prior research has shown that [...]

Five lies the weight loss industry wants you to believe

1. Weight loss is a simple matter of willpower We’ve all heard that weight loss is easy. People just need some good old-fashioned will power. This myth is so ingrained in our culture that it’s assumed that a person with a fat body is lazy and undisciplined which can lead to discrimination in employment opportunities and by health care professionals. "Most people [...]

The Computer Game That Helps Therapists Chat to Adolescents With Mental Health Problems

Adolescents with mental health problems are particularly hard for therapists to engage. But a new computer game is providing a healthy conduit for effective communication between them. via The Computer Game That Helps Therapists Chat to Adolescents With Mental Health Problems | MIT Technology Review.

Psychology of food, eating, weight and body image

International research is clear that for many of the wealthier countries around the world, the number of people at a higher weight has reached, or at the very least is close to reaching, the highest level it has ever been. While the current research is showing somewhat of a levelling off of this rising trend [...]

By |2013-07-22T14:58:42+10:00July 22nd, 2013|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , |3 Comments

What Mountain Biking Taught Me About Achieving Goals

Last year, I took twenty Year 11 students on a mountain biking camp. We rode through the Stromlo Forest in Canberra by day, and camped in sub zero temperatures by night. It’s only in the last couple of months that I’ve really appreciated some of the analogies I could draw between by experiences mountain biking [...]

Why is it so hard for some of us to keep things confidential?

Why is it so hard for some of us to keep things confidential? Psychologists suggest it has to do with our personality and what we've learned from our parents. The world is full of secrets. They range from the fascinating (who is the Mona Lisa?), to the dangerous (what is North Korea planning?) to the quirky [...]

Girl Mag Watch – Real life stories that bring you to tears

Girlfriend June 2013 “Why are you crying mum?” “Because I’m reading Girlfriend”. An unexpected response, perhaps, from an (allegedly) grown woman. But a story in the latest issue did me in. ‘Real Life Stories’ – which I have always appreciated for giving space to the raw realities of so many girls lives – opens with [...]

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