
Trying to Stay Positive

How positive are you? Dr Barbara Fredrickson has designed a simple questionnaire to answer that question! Take it at:     Go on… it only takes 2 mins. Then come back to me.   Done? OK.   Are you close to the recommended 3:1 Positivity Ratio required to flourish?   Does this surprise you? [...]

Acts of kindness can make you happier

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, has studied happiness for more than 20 years. She and others know that positive activities boost positive emotions, thoughts and behavior, in turn improving well-being. via Acts of kindness can make you happier.

I’ll let others do the work, thanks!

In his book Fame Junkies, author Jake Halpern speaks of a survey he carried out with US school students. One of the questions on the survey was; “When you grow up, which of the following jobs would you most like to have?” There were five options to choose from: CEO of a major company like [...]

10 Things Not to Say to a Depressed Person

Here are 10 things you definitely don’t want to say, a collection of the gems that I heard when well-intentioned people opened their mouths and said something really stupid to me the two years I was in sorry shape.     1. It’s all in your head. You need to think positive. While optimism is [...]

How bullying leads to suicide

The key to helping those who express suicidal thoughts is to ask two questions: • How are you going to do it? • When are you going to do it? If distressed people have a method and a time for suicide planned, they are in immediate danger via Psychotherapist explains how bullying leads to suicide [...]

By |2013-04-21T23:23:48+10:00April 21st, 2013|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Model agencies ‘recruited from eating disorders clinic’

A Stockholm treatment centre for eating disorders says talent scouts from modelling agencies have approached their patients outside the clinic, hoping to recruit them. "They were outside the building and waited for the girls to go out for a walk," the director of the public institution, Anna-Maria af Sandeberg, told Swedish news agency TT, without [...]

Google Reveals Mental Health Patterns

"We can figuratively look inside the heads of searchers to understand population mental health patterns" by analyzing Google searches, said lead researcher John Ayers in a statement. via Study: Google Searches Reveal Mental Health Patterns - Lindsay Abrams - The Atlantic.

Surprising connections between our well-being and giving, getting, and gratitude

"A plethora of research highlights the importance of getting a good night's sleep for physical and psychological well-being, yet in our society, people still seem to take pride in needing, and getting, little sleep," says Amie Gordon of the University of California, Berkeley. "And in the past, research has shown that gratitude promotes good sleep, [...]

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