
Parents Who ‘Over-Value’ Their Kids May Turn Them into Narcissists

Parents who shower their child with too much praise, making them feel superior to others, may be cultivating a narcissist, researchers suggest. Psychologists from the Netherlands studied more than 500 children for several years and found kids who had been "overvalued" by their parents were more likely to suffer from narcissism. While parents may think telling [...]

Give Yourself Some Loving, Parents Urged

The struggle of parenting is real, but are mothers and fathers making the situation worse by failing to give themselves sufficient credit? The struggle of parenting is real, but are mothers and fathers making the situation worse by failing to give themselves sufficient credit? University of Queensland School of Psychology's Dr James Kirby has commenced [...]

Do People Transmit Happiness by Smell?

As emotions go, happiness usually hides in plain sight: seen in a broad smile, heard in a raucous laugh, felt in a big hug.But new research suggests there may be a less obvious way to pick up on another person's positive vibes: smell. - Alan Mozes Source: Do people transmit happiness by smell? - - [...]

How to Win Any Argument: Pseudo-Scientific Neuro-Gibberish

If you’re hoping to win an argument this week, try talking neuro-gibberish. Irrelevant neuroscience information – or “neurobabble” – makes for the most convincing scientific explanations. - by Jules Montague Source: How to win any argument: pseudo-scientific neuro-gibberish | Science | The Guardian

Gorgeous to Grumpy – The Developing Teen

Have you found yourself standing in front of a 12 or 13 year old wondering "Who on earth are you?" Whether we are the parent, the teacher, the coach.....whoever.......we are often left to scratch our head and consider where we went wrong. Almost overnight it seems this gorgeous 12 or 13 year old has transformed into a grumpy, [...]

Finding Psychological Insights through Social Media

Social media has opened up a new digital world for psychology research. Four researchers will be discussing new methods of language analysis, and how social media can be leveraged to study personality, mental and physical health, and cross-cultural differences. The speakers will be presenting their research during the symposium "Finding Psychological Signal in a Billion [...]

Anorexia’s More Insidious Scourge

Often masked as a health-kick a new form of the eating disorder, anorexia, is manifesting itself in teenagers. When John and Julie Armstrong's 12-year-old son, Jed, told them that he wanted to get fit in the summer of 2014, neither thought anything of it. A keen footballer, Jed designed a regime of exercise for himself [...]

3 Step Guide Helping Kids to Calm

A Five Minute Writing Exercise to Help Kids Feel Less Worried and More Confident. There are lots of things we can do to help kids calm themselves.  One of the most important - and sometimes forgotten - is to help them come up with some actual words and phrases that they can repeat to themselves in times of [...]

How to Cope With The Energy Vampires in Your Life

In making the break from an energy vampire, you can sometimes miss their financial or strategic support in a business context, or the security and comfort in a personal one. But once you remove people who drain you physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and/or financially, it can feel like a heavy weight has been removed from [...]

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