
Homeless Young People Not ‘Too Difficult’: 3 Strategies for Better Engagement

Counselling homeless young people is arguably one of the most difficult areas of work for registered psychologists. Homeless young people are often put in the ‘too hard’ basket, but there are three strategies that can be used to overcome the challenge – engagement, rapport and trust building, and a transparent approach to reporting. Homeless young [...]

By |2019-04-02T09:37:17+11:00April 2nd, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Switching Back From Smartphones to Dumb Phones

"When you've got a simpler phone you become more liberated by the fact you don't have something consuming you all the time. You kind of forget about your phone sometimes."Studies show smartphones can disrupt sleep and focus, damage relationships and make users more selfish, stressed and depressed. A 2013 study found smartphone users check their [...]

By |2019-04-02T09:42:11+11:00April 1st, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Can Foetus Sense Mother’s Psychological State?

As a foetus grows, it's constantly getting messages from its mother. It's not just hearing her heartbeat and whatever music she might play to her belly; it also gets chemical signals through the placenta. A new study, which will be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that this [...]

Pro-Anorexia, Bulimia Communities Thriving Online

Photos of emaciated women proudly displaying their protruding hips and ribs, as well as thinspirational quotes "fat-shaming" those who dare to eat, continue to thrive on social media, despite the best attempts by sites like Instagram to temper the reach of the pro-eating disorder community. Some girls gain thousands of followers posting pictures of "thigh gaps" [...]

Counter the Psychology of Pessimism

It’s the tendency to put more attention, value and weight on negative comments and experience than on the positive. It’s human. We seem to be hardwired to do it. Some theorists suggest that our survival depended on it when we were living in primitive times. People who didn’t stay alert for saber-toothed tigers probably didn’t [...]

Heavy Metal Music has Negative Impacts on Youth

Dr McFerran said parents should be aware of their children’s music listening habits, pick up on early warning signs and take early action. “If parents are worried, they should ask their children questions like – how does that music make you feel? If children say the music reflects or mirrors the way they feel then [...]

Psychology of Food Shaming – Why People Food Shame

Like a vegetarian censuring a meat-eater, a food-shamer will criticize someone who doesn't meet her definition of "good." The weird thing is that her idea of "good" could just as easily be a chia pod or a full-fat, finished-with-butter chocolate pudding—health doesn't seem to matter. via Psychology of Food Shaming - Why People Food Shame.

Positive Psychology Prematurely Discards Negative Emotions; Why It’s OK To Be Sad And Happy

Many Americans think happiness is the end game, the ultimate reason we’re alive, Kashdan said. In fact, 80 to 90 percent of people across the world say their fundamental objective is to be happy. But, happiness may be something we give too much credence too - Stephanie Castillo via Positive Psychology Prematurely Discards Negative Emotions; Why [...]

Negative Thinking: 5 Easy Ways to Think More Positively

This past weekend, I found myself 400 miles and 3 states away from home with $16 of cash, a half tank of gas, but no credit cards. I pulled into a gas station and asked if they would take a check. Nope. How about a credit card number phoned in from my husband? Nope. My [...]

Even Monkeys are Better at Seeing Value for Money

Monkeys are savvier than human consumers when it comes to getting value for money, research has shown. Psychological studies have demonstrated how easy it is to fool people into thinking that price reflects quality. In tests, human volunteers consistently prefer the taste of wine poured out of an expensively labelled bottle to exactly the same [...]

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