
Top four challenges of raising boys

Dealing with emotions One of the biggest challenges in raising boys is balancing out the social expectations and stereotypes. Dr Bronwyn Harman, psychology lecturer and families expert at Edith Cowan University, acknowledges that there is still a belief that boys will behave in one way and girls in another. "This is socially and culturally reinforced, [...]

The Psychology of Retail Therapy

Most people are guilty of emotional spending at one time or another. Whether you partake in retail therapy while you're sad, angry, or happy, you are bound to end up with some unneeded items and an empty wallet. So why do we spend to feel better, and how can we curb emotional spending in the [...]

Helping Children Avoid Depression

Today’s children are at a higher risk for depression than any previous generation. Almost one in 10 children will experience a major depressive episode by the time they are 14 years old, and almost one in five will experience a major depressive episode before graduating from high school. The good news is, there is apparently something that [...]

Aussies might be getting kinder

The world today is often portrayed as being less kind, friendly or giving than it used to be. So-called Gen Me, today’s teens and young adults, are the poster-children of moral decline, routinely characterised as narcissistic, selfish and hedonist. Despite such concerns we know relatively little about the social composition of kindness and how it [...]

The Psychology of Phishing

Maybe your bank wants you to update your password; maybe a new Facebook friend wants to show you a funny web page. Maybe a Nigerian lawyer wants to pass on a legacy from a long-lost relative. What all of these people are really after, of course, are your password, bank details and, ultimately money. Such [...]

Research at Stanford shows that working together boosts motivation

When people are treated as partners working together with others – even when physically apart – their motivation increases, according to new Stanford research. As the study noted, people undertake many activities in life on their own but with others in mind – a researcher writes a paper on a new medical treatment and knows [...]

10 Do’s and Don’ts on Parenting

Some people live their lives looking at the rear-view mirror, regretting the past rather than enjoying the present or anticipating the future. Here are the most frequently mentioned regrets I've heard from parents in my office. 1. Spent too little time with the kids. Overwhelmed with meeting the expectations of so many people, some parents never [...]

Powerful Parenting: Anger Management Tips for Children

galleryhip Anger occurs when a person of any age is feeling overwhelmed and overpowered. It is our way to say “No, stop it! I don’t like it. It is unfair. I can’t handle it,” and so on. Since children have many rules to learn and follow daily, they are likely to feel challenged and [...]

The Psychology of S3X Slave Rings

In Britain, malaise is afoot. After news hit that a gang of Pakistani men sexually abused 1,400 girls in one northern town—the fifth such group of Pakistani or Muslim heritage to materialize in just four years—one question lingers: are grooming rings endemic within certain cultures? These rings—groups of men who befriend and establish emotional connections [...]

Work stress raises type 2 diabetes risk by 45 per cent

High amounts of work related stress have been shown to raise the risk of type 2 diabetes by 45% in a study of over 5,000 people. The research was carried out by researchers from the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Germany. 5,337 people, without type 2 diabetes at the start of the study period, were picked from the MONICA-KORA cohort [...]

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