ramesh manocha

Government refuses to protect children from sexualised music videos

The Australian government has ignored a senate proposal for stricter advertising and classification laws for sexualised music videos and ads aimed at children. The proposal came from a senate committee investigating the sexualisation of children in the media, who concluded that "the inappropriate sexualisation of children in Australia is of increasing concern." On Friday the [...]

HIV and AIDS: how much do your children know?

A global study has found that almost half of young people know dangerously little about HIV and AIDS. The study found that over 80% of the respondents believed HIV and AIDS are the greatest challenge of our time, however over a third did not believe condoms would be effective at preventing the spread of HIV, [...]

70% of US children have insufficient vitamin D

A US study has found 70% of children have low levels of vitamin D, putting them at risk of developing weak bones, rickets and heart disease. The study examined survey data from over 6,000 children ranging from 1-21 years of age, and also found that 9% of the children surveyed suffered from a serious vitamin [...]

When should you talk to your kids about drugs?

Talk to your children about drugs as early and as often as possible. Make sure you speak to them about the range of drugs available, with an emphasis on those they are likely to come into contact with at their particular stage of development. For the very young, including primary school-aged children, most of the [...]

Online bullying survey to close on Friday

An online bullying survey for the NSW state government will close Friday after giving children the chance to tell of their bullying experiences. The survey is part of the state government’s inquiry in to bullying, focusing on collecting ideas and opinions from the youth. The responses will be used in a report which will later [...]

The sexualisation of our children: the problems and solutions

Psychologist and author Steve Biddulph has slammed the early sexualisation of children, blaming the early exposure of children to sexualised material for the decline in the age of children becoming sexually active. He explains, "the maturity of children has grown in superficial ways - looking, acting and speaking like adults. But the deeper signs are [...]

Texting teaches kids to make more mistakes

An Australian study has found children who frequently use mobile phones to send text messages are being taught to act impulsively and make mistakes as a result. The study of 317 Melbourne students aged between 11 and 14 found those who regularly send text messages were faster to respond to IQ style questions but were [...]

What should I tell my child if they ask me if I ever used illegal drugs?

We know that by far one of the most important elements of a positive parent-child relationship is honesty and trust. When you ask your child a question about something they have done, you would like them to answer honestly. Doesn’t your child deserve the same respect? So if you have used drugs, what should you [...]

Top internet safety tips part 2

• DO NOT disclose personal or identifying information or photos! • Make sure that you shoulder surf! • Know where your child is in Cyberspace.... Just as you would in the real world! • You are the parent and you should be in charge. Visit my website for more cyber safety tips! Written by Susan [...]

Top internet safety tips part 1

• NEVER allow a computer in the BEDROOM! • Have a Family Online Contract! Set rules and consequences for breaches. • Filtering software is important but the most effective filter is Parental Supervision! • Social Networking Sites such as Facebook and Myspace MUST be set to PRIVATE! The top internet safety tips part 2 will [...]

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