
Put the iPhone down and talk to your Kids!

The recent SMH article outlining author Mem Fox's genuine concern about the increasing use of technology as a replacement for parental interaction with their kids was spot-on, and should raise alarm bells - but will it? I know I'm not Gen X, Y or Z - happy to admit I am a Baby Boomer - [...]

Parents’ Yelling Is as Harmful as Hitting

Parents who yell at their adolescent children for misbehaving can cause some of the same problems as hitting them would, including increased risk of depression and aggressive behavior, according to a new study. A good, warm relationship with Mom and Dad doesn't protect teens from the negative effects of parents' yelling, cursing or lobbing insults, [...]

How to be a wellbeing teacher without teaching wellbeing

I’ve had too many conversations with teachers who believe that the whole, “Pastoral care, touchy feely, emotional, welfare, wellbeing stuff” isn’t what they signed up for when they decided to become a teacher.   As strange as you and or I – I’m assuming we’re on the same page given you subscribe to, or have [...]

Paternal influence crucial to the success of children

Children with involved fathers have better social skills, more successful relationships, stronger self esteem, more self-control and higher grades than those who do not. They are also less likely to be overweight, suspended from school or bully, take drugs, engage in risky sexual behaviour or crime. As fathers take a more active role in parenting [...]

Over exposure is making teens pawns to porn

A 15-year-old boy confided in me after I addressed his class at a Sydney school last year. He cried as he told me he had been using porn since the age of nine. He didn’t have a social life, had few friends, had never had a girlfriend. His life revolved around online porn. He wanted [...]

Girl Mag Watch Dolly June 2013

Only half the mag is worth reading Melinda Tankard Reist Readers wanting something of substance from Dolly’s June issue would do best to skip the first half and go straight to the second.  Articles on self-harm, hate pages and unhealthy attitudes toward food redeem the insubstantial nature of the pages that go before. ‘Would you [...]

Spirituality is key to kids’ happiness

Research shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships - both measures of spirituality - are happier. It would appear, however, that their religious practices have little effect on their happiness. via Spirituality is key to kids' happiness.

Girl Mag Watch Dolly 2013

Stamping out bullies, stress and child labour: Dolly May issue gets a tick (mostly) ‘Operation 1 less Bully’ is a four-page case against bullying, featuring personal stories of celebrities who have joined the movement to stop it. Some were bullied, others stood up to bullies, and one recognised she was a bully in the past [...]

Study Finds Link Between Depression And Unsupportive Spouses

When it comes to your mental health, it's true that being alone is better than being in bad company, according to a new study from the University of Michigan. Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Teo, who led the study, found that people with unsupportive or critical spouses were significantly more likely to be depressed than people who [...]

Girl Mag Watch Girlfriend March 2013

Important articles on the dangers of sexting and pressures on girls to deliver oral sex There are two really important and timely articles in this issue. ‘The Sext files’, is straightforward and honest with readers about the risks of sexting. A recent GF survey found one in four readers have sent a sext. Personal stories [...]

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