
Sexting in the USA- New Survey Results

 The Crimes Against Children Research Center conducted two national surveys to develop a better understanding of sexting. The Third Youth Internet Safety Survey was a telephone survey done in 2010 with national sample of 1560 youth Internet users aged  10–17 years and their parents.  Almost 10% of youth (mostly girls aged 16–17 years) said they had "appeared [...]

Phones, Teens and Sleep

As we come to realise how important good quality sleep is for both health and education, we find that many teens are compromising on sleep in order to stay connected to friends via their mobile phones! Pillow talk wearing phone-obsessed teens out | Herald Sun.

20% of Young People Happy if Christmas Cancelled

A recent Headspace survey revealed how Australian young people felt about the recent christmas season: Only half of young people would be disappointed if Christmas got cancelled, while one in five would actually be relieved; One third said Chrismas made them feel worse than usual, while one third said it made them feel better, and one [...]

Parents tell teenagers: have sex, just not at home

80% of parents accept their child will have sex before marriage 25% of parents won't let their child’s partner share a bed 20% of parents think 16 is ok to have sex* SBS TV programming is renowned for pushing the boundaries in our society by asking the difficult questions. Recently they conducted an [...]

Stress and Wellbeing in Australia Survey 2011

Summary of key findings 12% of Australians reported experiencing levels of stress in the severe range. Young adults reported experiencing significantly higher levels of stress and significantly lower levels of wellbeing than the general population. 1 in 3 Australians reported experiencing depressive symptoms with 10% of these being in the severe range. 1 in 4 Australians reported experiencing anxiety [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

Forget IQ: it’s Emotional Intelligence that helps kids settle at school

At the heart of the matter, all every parents really wants is for their child is for them to be the best person they can be. Unfortunately so often pressures from society can often make parents feel that this means a child must excel academically. However it now seems that social and emotional learning (SEL) [...]

Top tips to fight family fatigue

50% of families are suffering from family fatigue. Parents take note! - There’s no need to feel guilty anymore. Slow down, put your feet up, take time for that extra cuppa... relax. The latest research has shown that children need time and space to just play. All their spare time doesn’t need to be taken [...]

Seminar: The neurobiology of love and attachment

The Australian Childhood Foundation is presenting a series of seminars on Polyvagal theory, oxytocin and the neurobiology of love and attachment: Using the body’s social engagement system to promote recovery from experiences of threat, stress and trauma. WHEN AND WHERE SYDNEY: Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour. 18 & 19 October 2011 BRISBANE: Mercure Hotel Brisbane. [...]

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