
Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy | Self-Sexualization is on the rise

Most girls as young as 6 are already beginning to think of themselves as sex objects, according to a new study of elementary school-age kids in the Midwest. Researchers have shown in the past that women and teens think of themselves in sexually objectified terms, but the new study is the first to identify self-sexualization [...]


One of the big 'buzz' terms in education today is 'parent engagement'; one of the most misunderstood terms in education today is 'parent engagement'! So, what is 'parent engagement' and how does it affect our children's learning and wellbeing? Harris and Goodall (2007) concluded that many schools 'involve' parents in the day to day running [...]

Smoking and Adolescent Brain Development

When it comes to substance abuse like smoking or abuse of intoxicating drugs, it is very difficult to determine what a “safe” limit of exposure is.  Quite often, the initial exposure to mood altering substances like nicotine occurs during the teenage years. The period of adolescence is marked by a tendency towards risk-taking behavior which [...]

The New Science of Dyslexia

The more researchers learn about dyslexia, the more they realize it's a flaw not of character but of biology--specifically, the biology of the brain. No, people with dyslexia are not brain damaged. Brain scans show their cerebrums are perfectly normal, if not extraordinary. Dyslexics, in fact, seem to have a distinct advantage when it comes [...]

Practicing music for only few years in childhood helps improve adult brain

The impact of music on the brain has been a hot topic in science in the past decade. Now Northwestern researchers for the first time have directly examined what happens after children stop playing a musical instrument after only a few years -- a common childhood experience. Compared to peers with no musical training, adults [...]

Biggest health problem facing US kids

Lack of exercise tops the list of the biggest concerns about kids' health, according to a new survey of American adults. The plight of young couch potatoes outranked teen pregnancy and drug abuse as problems that adults are concerned about, according to the survey. Not getting enough exercise was ranked a "big problem" by 39 [...]

The psychology of spending

Neuroscientists have shown that we are lied to by our own brains. Take wine. Taste tests are commonly undertaken ''blind'', that is, the tasters are either blindfolded or the bottle is wrapped in a brown paper bag. This practice recognises our propensity to judge a drop by its cover. But why do we do it?Are [...]

By |2012-08-25T11:28:20+10:00August 21st, 2012|Categories: Science & Research, Society & Culture|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Empathy work lost on one in five cyber bullies

TACTICS commonly used by schools to deal with cyber bullies, such as asking them to show empathy towards their victim, are ineffective in dealing with some of the worst offenders, new research has found. Despite the millions of dollars spent on programs to stamp out cyber bullying in schools, no research has been conducted to [...]

By |2012-08-25T11:36:25+10:00August 20th, 2012|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , |4 Comments

Sadness or depression? 10 differences

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself to help determine if your sadness could be depression. If you have any concern about your mental health, always check with a professional. Do you have unexpected, intense sadness that lasts longer than a few days at a time? Unless a major life change, such as an illness, divorce, or loss [...]

Childhood friendships may be key to adult happiness

Happiness in adulthood may be determined by the quality of relationships in your youth, not brain power or academic prowess, new Australian research suggests. "This shows that there is an enduring, significant relationship between being well-adjusted as a child and being well-adjusted as an adult," said Dr. Victor Fornari, director of child/adolescent psychiatry at North [...]

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