
Look out for ANTs!

Of late, more and more schools are asking me to work with their students as well as their staff. My most popular workshop at the moment is Learning to Bounce where we explore resilience. Resilience is generally accepted to mean the ability to bounce back after adversity. However, inspired by the words of Dr Sue [...]

The three R’s of mental wellbeing – Relationships, Reflection, Resilience

While the traditional three Rs (reading, writing & arithmetic) were only aimed at the students, these alternate three Rs could serve as a guiding philosophy for the whole learning community; students, staff, parents and the wider community.  Relationships - Humans are social beings and as such positive relationships are key to human flourishing. As well as [...]

10 strategies to help kids develop resilience

Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from life’s difficulties. For many young people it is vital to help them develop resilience strategies that promote well-being and develop coping mechanisms. Many resilient teenagers are seen as resourceful and are emotionally and mentally balanced. Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and chairperson of the Mental Health [...]

The key to children succeeding is to teach them empathy

In a ‘me’ world where the media is constantly telling young people that they can be anything they want to be, or have anything they want to have, it is difficult for parents to teach a sense of ‘other’ to their children. In an effort to teach self esteem we have inadvertently installed a need [...]

Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars respond to QLD catastrophe by helping young people in 'disaster recovery'

The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People Brisbane, Gold Coast & Canberra Supported by: Beyondblue headspace Australian Communication and Media Authority National Cannabis Information and Prevenntion Centre Collective Shout ACER Please note that due to the floods in Queensland there have been some changes to the schedules and locations. We have also worked with [...]

Net Savvy: ‘Inyahead’

Net Savvy profiles different websites and people that provide resources and information for parents, carers and teaching professionals on a range of issues which affect our youth today. Inyahead is a website which features the work of Andrew Fuller. Andrew recently spoke at the Generation Next Seminar in Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Department [...]

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