
Rewards for Students Who Put Down Phones

An app that rewards students for time spent away from their phones is being released in the UK. Hold was developed by three students who met at Copenhagen Business School and wanted to develop something to help with the issue of device distraction. It has proved popular in Scandinavia, with more than 120,000 users across [...]

Be a Guide, Not a Guard and Raise a Happy, Responsible Kid

“Be a guide, not a guard” perfectly describes the kinds of parenting behaviors that create happy and responsible children. It’s a term I learned at a recent training session focused on reducing controlling parenting behaviors. When I ask parents “what have you tried to help change your child’s behavior?” little breaks my heart more than hearing a [...]

The Power Of Rewards And Why We Seek Them Out

Pixabay Images Any dog owner will tell you that we can use a food reward as a motivation to change a dog’s behaviour. But humans are just as susceptible to rewards too. When we get a reward, special pathways in our brain become activated. Not only does this feel good, but the activation [...]

Practice Being Grateful and Reap the Benefits The benefits of gratitude are many and profound. Being grateful is shown to improve both physical and mental health, psychological wellbeing and attitude, and our relationships with others. Practicing gratitude has even been shown to rewire our brains for the better—it is a truly powerful life-changing tool. - Carla Clark, PhD Source: Practice [...]

No Winners Or Losers?

Over the past few weeks I’ve been speaking at the Generation Next seminars lamenting the fact that in today’s society, it seems every kid needs to get a prize! Indeed I’ve heard of teachers being berated by over-zealous parents because their child didn’t receive a fifth place ribbon. Why do we feel the need to [...]

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