
The secret lives of teens

The Korn Group recently published a study, The Truth About Teens and Tweens, that looks at the lives of young people today and how much they are sharing with their parents. It seems that parents are the last to find out what their children are up to, fear of parental embarrassment and reactions means that [...]

To drink beer or not to drink beer, that is the question

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has just released figures that show we as a nation are consuming less beer than we did 60 years ago. Beer consumption fell from 4.62 litres to 4.56 litres per capita in the year to June. Over the past 5 years, the amount of alcohol available for consumption from [...]

Facts about how alcohol is marketed to teenagers

Many alcohol promotions are youth targeted and have a huge impact on forming how accepting young people are of alcohol. But these campaigns contribute towards the damage alcohol consumption has on teenager's lives. Magazine ads for alcoholic beverages reached more readers who were 12-20 years of age than adult readers in 2001. 1 According to [...]

Trash or treasure: how do teenagers look in skin tight clothes?

The pressure for young women to look sexy and hot all the time is making them wear shorter, tighter and more revealing clothes. This is fuelled by the images of what is perceived ‘hot, sexy, successful and independent’ celebrities like Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian. All of whom are presented to impressionable teenagers [...]

A green hour a day keeps the doctor away

The great outdoors used to be the playground and learning place for many children.  However, with the introduction of new technologies and changing lifestyles, children are spending more and more time sitting still and interacting with a screen rather than with nature. Gone are the long hours of unstructured play mucking around in the backyard or [...]

Seminar: The Right to Childhood 2011

A number of concerned organisations and experts have come together to hold a forum called  Right2childhood  to examine the convergence of sex, violence, media, commerce and popular culture. It explores the impact on our children and what we can do about it.  When: 9am-5pm, Friday, April 29, 2011 Where: Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney CBD Many child development [...]

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