
Positive Psychology Is Garbage

Only a true marketing wizard could transform his image from that of a guy best known for torturing dogs into the world’s foremost apostle of happiness. And that’s exactly what the University of Pennsylvania’s Professor of Psychology Martin Seligman pulled off. Seligman launched his career in experimental psychology by administering painful electric shocks to man’s [...]

Positive Psychology Is Rooted In The Radical Idea That You Are Not A Problem To Fix

Pixabay Images All we can ever hope to do, Sigmund Freud once wrote, is “to change neurotic misery into common unhappiness.” This pessimistic statement from arguably the most influential psychological theorist of modern times captured the mood that prevailed in psychology through most of the 20th century. That is, most psychologists, psychiatrists, and [...]

Don’t Try To Be Happy. We’re Programmed To Be Dissatisfied.

Flickr Images In the 1990s, a psychologist named Martin Seligman led the positive psychology movement, which placed the study of human happiness squarely at the centre of psychology research and theory. It continued a trend that began in the 1960s with humanistic and existential psychology, which emphasized the importance of reaching one’s innate [...]

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