
Let children be children

Experts world wide are condemning the sexualisation of young children and teenagers through the media. All are agreed that it is damaging the youth of today. At this time, it is surprising then, that Monash University’s Dr Blaise is condoning the teaching of sexuality to pre-school and kindergarten children. In fact she is going one [...]

Generation Next: Special Update

Generation Next presents Australia’s leading experts on children and teenagers in one event. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Generation Next has been developed in close consultation with leading experts in adolescent psychology, drug [...]

Guest Post: Collective Shout for a world free of sexploitation

By Melinda Tankard Reist Collective Shout is a new grassroots movement mobilising and equipping individuals and groups to target corporations, advertisers, marketers and media which objectify women and sexualise girls to sell products and services. Most young women don’t like themselves very much. In fact, self-hatred has been described as a right-of-passage for teenage girls. [...]

To use or not to use: plus size models in fashion

65% of Australian women are a size 14-16 The 15th annual Australian Fashion week has come to a close for yet another year. Last year many designers embraced "body diversity" by using plus size models. Cynics like Garance Dore feel this was just a ‘gimmick’ used by the fashion houses to gain publicity and attract new [...]

Generation Next Events for 2010: Special update

Topics presented at Generation Next events this year include: Bullying and School Violence Body Image and Eating Disorders Transition from Primary to High School Raunch Culture and the Media Teen Depression Cybersafety, and Resilience Featuring Australia’s most experienced leading experts, up to date important topics and practical advice in one event. Speakers include: Michael Carr-Gregg, Adolescent Psychologist Paul Dillon, [...]

Guest Post: The premature sexualisation of childhood.

By Julie Gale, Kids Free 2B Kids Director. The premature sexualisation of children and young teens is a global issue which has been increasing over the past decade. Our kids are inundated with confusing messages that serve to minimize what it means to be a whole well rounded human being. Popular culture encourages girls to [...]

Tweens getting into beauty treatments before puberty

The media has recently reported a string of stories concerning the sexualisation of young girls and the anxiety they are facing with increasing pressure on them to look ‘sexy’ when they are younger and younger. The most recent story concerns the new trend of letting ‘tweens’ get their legs waxed, this follows the ‘push up [...]

The impact on children of sexualisation in the media

Writer Professor Louise Newman. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is concerned about the sexualisation of children in the contemporary media. Professor Louise Newman, of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, recently presented ‘Too hot to handle: The psychological impact of sexualisation in the media’ at the Australian Conference [...]

Video Hits and Youth Week – the wrong mix?

At first glance it would seem that choosing Video Hits as a Media Partner for the recently held Australian National Youth Week made perfect sense, all teenagers are into music of some sort. Music crosses the great divide and is accessible to everyone; it can communicate on a level without barriers. But when we see [...]

Pressure builds for shops to withdraw clothing that sexualises children

Yet another fashion item has been marketed to children that is not age appropriate. The new padded bra on bikinis are aimed at children as young as 7 years old and follows the sale of padded bras, G strings for girls under 10 years old, Playboy stationary and pole dancing kits. However there has been [...]

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