
Police to lay charges over Facebook page that rates sexual performances

It is a sign that times are changing. Victorian police are taking cyberbullying very seriously and they have made the first move to lay charges against two brothers who allegedly created a Facebook page to rate young people’s sexual performances. This is obviously humiliating, degrading and a gross invasion of privacy for the people concerned. [...]

Is Facebook turning a blind eye to rape pages?

According to Facebook their user terms and conditions are very clear for being eligible to open a Facebook page, firstly the person must be over 13 years of age, and then to protect all users they stipulate in their ‘safety’ section: Safety We do our best to keep Facebook safe, but we cannot guarantee it. [...]

Britney's new music video: boundary between tween pop culture and adult porn culture blurred

Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the world of pop music again Britney Spears has launched herself back into the public arena with a new single Criminal. Making a spectacle of herself and her former agent and now boyfriend, Jason Trawick, she has reached a new low (actually she has reached [...]

Porn: naughty or nice?

It‘s a hot debate. There are those like Fiona Pattern, the convener of the Australian Sex Party, who says “like sex, porn is a fact of life we should get used to” and then there are the anti porn campaigners like Dr Abigail Bray* who says “Porn is not a right, it is destructive to [...]

Girl’s binge drinking is putting them at risk

10% of teenagers are putting they health at risk by binge drinking 10% of teenagers binge drink once a week 20% of teenagers binge drink once a month* Young women are opening themselves up to unplanned and sometimes unwanted sexual encounters by binge drinking. A yet to be published study carried out by the University [...]

Book launch: Big Porn Inc

This important book launch firmly puts porn in its place and through a series of essays, documents the proliferation and normalization of pornography, the way it has become a global industry and its violence towards and degradation of women. Big Porn Inc is an exposé of the hidden realities of the global industry that promotes [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

Diva: no place for Playboy

Over 2,000 people have signed an online petition urging Diva to remove their Playboy products from sale. Diva is an Australian fashion jewellery retailer that caters to the fashion tastes of young girls. It sells Disney brands such as Winnie the Pooh charm bracelets, Disney Princess pendants and Cute Cupcakes Best Friends necklaces. However in [...]

A win against viewing Gisele Bundchen as a sex object

Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen. Picture: AFP Source: AFP In a country that gave its name to the Brazilian wax it is unusual to find the government standing up for women’s rights. However, Brazil’s Ministry for Women has requested that a TV ad featuring Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen, be banned from airing because it typecasts women [...]

By |2011-10-03T22:04:35+11:00October 3rd, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

The Traffic Lights framework for sexual behaviours in children

All children: have the right to be safe and protected from harm have the right to accurate, age-appropriate information and education need positive responses to develop understanding rather than guilt, shame and confusion, and need to learn about rules, boundaries and social cues gradually and developmentally. The Traffic Lights framework The Traffic Lights framework provides [...]

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