
7 Guidelines for Talking to your Child About Sexuality

Mommy, where do babies come from? Why does daddy have a penis and I don’t? Do you think I am fat? Why are Auntie’s breasts bigger than mine? Do these sentences sounds familiar? They do to many, because having children means receiving questions that you are not always prepared to answer. However, being able to [...]

By |2018-04-23T15:26:44+10:00April 23rd, 2018|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Are Schools Really Well Placed To Help?

In last weekend’s Sydney Morning Herald, I read an article that stated, “Homophobic bullying rife in high school PE lessons.” The article went on to say that a study funded by beyondblue, found 98 per cent of students had heard casual homophobia in their PE classes, while more than 80 per cent heard it frequently. [...]

Adolescent sex offenders

In recent years children's sexuality and claims about the ‘pornification' of childhood have attracted considerable media attention. Among other phenomena, social commentators have observed the marketing of brands and clothing normally associated with adult sexuality to an increasingly younger age group. At the same time as this trend has encouraged younger children to explore their [...]

Over exposure is making teens pawns to porn

A 15-year-old boy confided in me after I addressed his class at a Sydney school last year. He cried as he told me he had been using porn since the age of nine. He didn’t have a social life, had few friends, had never had a girlfriend. His life revolved around online porn. He wanted [...]

The Traffic Lights framework for sexual behaviours in children

All children: have the right to be safe and protected from harm have the right to accurate, age-appropriate information and education need positive responses to develop understanding rather than guilt, shame and confusion, and need to learn about rules, boundaries and social cues gradually and developmentally. The Traffic Lights framework The Traffic Lights framework provides [...]

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