sleep cycle

How Weird Sleep Schedules Disrupt Our Body Clocks

Much like a clock on the wall, our cells have their own 24-hour timeline. When they're in sync, our body clock may act as a protective barrier against mental and physical illnesses. But throw in some jet lag, a night shift or a bout of insomnia, and suddenly the clock's hands are spinning out of [...]

Wide Awake At 3am? Meet The Insomniacs Who Learnt To Sleep Better

Flickr Images Anyone who has ever experienced insomnia will know how hellish it can be. Lying in bed and willing yourself to drift off, while your mind refuses to shut down, is frustrating but also incredibly anxiety-inducing. It’s a catch-22: the more you can’t sleep, the more you worry about it and the [...]

Sleep And Technology: 10 Golden Rules

Pixabay As many young adults now own a smartphone or tablet, there is a wealth of information at their fingertips and a limitless supply of social media messages, games, music and TV intruding into the sleep cycle. Evidence suggests that social media and smartphones can have a negative impact on our health with [...]

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