Social Media

Communication is Key 

In 1980, 11.2 million people used a mobile phone. In 1990, 12.4 million people used a mobile phone. In 2002, 1.2 billion people had a mobile phone… And in 2014, 4.55 billion people used a mobile phone. That’s over 69% of the world population. We use them not only to speak to one another, but [...]

Challenging the Violence Supportive Attitudes of Our Young People

We should be worried about our teenagers. The scary facts are that one in six 12-24 year olds think “women should know their place”, and one in three think that ‘exerting control over someone isn’t a form of violence’. These are some of the findings from a survey of over 3000 young men and women, which also [...]

Finding Psychological Insights through Social Media

Social media has opened up a new digital world for psychology research. Four researchers will be discussing new methods of language analysis, and how social media can be leveraged to study personality, mental and physical health, and cross-cultural differences. The speakers will be presenting their research during the symposium "Finding Psychological Signal in a Billion [...]

Kids’ Smartphone Usage Rampant, Says Study

12 is the average age of ownership. 10 year olds spend an average 14.7 hours on their phones. 17 year olds spend an average 26.3 hours on their phones. More than half (54 per cent) of those who own smartphones also own a tablet. Facebook, instant messaging and Snapchat are the most distracting apps, according [...]

How to Know if Teens Are Getting It Wrong Online

Technology has become the new battlefield for parents, teachers, and teens. Regular conflicts arise over content (what the kids are doing on their devices) and context (when they’re doing it!). Content Issues Ever since the arrival of Facebook in 2004, youth (and adults) have used apps in naive and dangerous ways. Reputations have been harmed. [...]

By |2015-02-23T16:18:08+11:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

5 Ways To Address Rising Depression In Young People

Depression and anxiety are affecting more young people than ever before. According to a study published today by the Office for National Statistics, one in five 16- to 24-year-olds are suffering psychological problems, which is almost the rate at which these are seen in early middle age, the life-stage usually most associated with mental health issues. [...]

Demand for Better Selfies Prompts Rise in US Plastic Surgery Requests

Dental hygienist Jennifer Reynolds was always self-conscious about her looks, never took selfies and felt uncomfortable being tagged in photographs posted on social media. The 34-year-old from Costa Rica who lives in New York opted for plastic surgery on her nose and now feels ready for prime time on social media."I definitely feel more comfortable [...]

The 3 Things That Can Help Children Harmed By Psychological Abuse

Dr Justin Coulson Rae is a funny, bubbly, precocious, and remarkably talented 13 year-old girl. She is talkative, clearly intelligent, and insightful.  She is also a victim of psychological and emotional abuse. She is regularly yelled at, called names, threatened, and shamed. Rae’s step-father uses his physical presence to instill fear in Rae, even when [...]

8 Scientifically-Backed Ways to Feel Happier

The key to happiness is obviously a whole lot more complicated than simple addition (x+y=joy). But maybe a “happiness equation” isn’t such a far-fetched idea: In fact, researchers at the University College London have developed a formula to accurately forecast the happiness of more than 18,000 people, reported. A big part of the equation had [...]

The Psychology of Phishing

Maybe your bank wants you to update your password; maybe a new Facebook friend wants to show you a funny web page. Maybe a Nigerian lawyer wants to pass on a legacy from a long-lost relative. What all of these people are really after, of course, are your password, bank details and, ultimately money. Such [...]

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