Social Media

Digital Rights Of A Child

What are the rights of the child in the digital space? Just mention the phrase, “Kids Online” and immediately the subject shifts to today’s generation of teens seemingly fused with their phone, gaming console and the net. Experts lament the loss of privacy, while others warn of terrible consequences of spending so much time online. [...]

What is the “Dark Net” and “Tor”?

Sites that are blocked by most internet service providers, including those peddling hard-core child pornography, are accessible using Tor and available to browse following some simple steps that are well within the grasp of most computer users. - Jake Wallis Simons via US Navy-created 'dark network' lets users buy drugs and child porn and get away [...]

How Should ‘Technology Addiction’ Be Treated?

Dr. Wang explains that the first step is to identify triggers for excessive Internet, social media or technology use - such as boredom or stress. Next, learned automatic responses - such as using the smartphone to relieve anxiety - are challenged and reversed. "At a deeper level, exploring their thoughts and beliefs about anxiety and [...]

The Death Of Privacy

When schools ask me to chat to parents, one of the things I often cover with them is how to – or how not to – use social media. I urge parents not to vent their anger around a school on Facebook as, if we’re being honest, it’s often an issue that has been blown [...]

Police investigate students for upskirting staff

Police are investigating five year 9 boys from a prestigious Catholic boys' college on Sydney's northern beaches who shared sexual images of two female teachers on Facebook. The boys, from St Augustine's College at Brookvale, used iPhones to photograph and video up the skirts of the two teachers and then shared the images on a [...]

Teens Adept At Hiding From Parents Online

Most youngsters believe their parents are oblivious to their web activities, while some admit to making fake social media profiles and fudging browser histories to deceive tech-savvy ones, a new report shows. Seventy per cent of children aged between 8 and 17 said their parents did not know about all their internet activities, a survey involving [...]

By |2014-08-04T03:53:54+10:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

What’s Happening Online?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some of the places to access advice on helping kids (and/or yourselves) with regard to being online. Last week, the ACMA blog published the latest findings from Roy Morgan Research, providing the latest findings around how Aussie teens are using the internet. Whether or not the findings [...]

Helping Kids Online

Whose job is it to teach children about cyber-safety, online behaviour or digital citizenship? Parents seem to be waiting for schools to take the lead, whilst this is another area schools believe that parents have dropped the ball, and unfairly they’ll say, need to find time and resources to fit this into an already jam-packed [...]

Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment- Emotional Contagion

Facebook’s News Feed—the main list of status updates, messages, and photos you see when you open Facebook on your computer or phone—is not a perfect mirror of the world. But few users expect that Facebook would change their News Feed in order to manipulate their emotional state. We now know that’s exactly what happened two [...]

A color-coded map of the world’s most and least emotional countries

Since 2009, the Gallup polling firm has surveyed people in 150 countries and territories on, among other things, their daily emotional experience. Their survey asks five questions, meant to gauge whether the respondent felt significant positive or negative emotions the day prior to the survey. The more times that people answer "yes" to questions such [...]

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