Social Media

When de-racialisation surgery goes wrong

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. De-racialisation – like all forms of plastic surgery – is only going to get more lucrative. My own experience has given me ample opportunity to reflect on the unfairness of a society that routinely imposes insecurity on women, driving them to mutilate themselves in the [...]

Drugs, depression and dealing with embarrassing parents: Girlfriend November 2013

Melinda Tankard Reist Girlfriend and Dolly can be commended this year for taking strong stands on alcohol and drugs. This issue of GF is no exception, with ‘The High Life’ exploring the harms of smoking marijuana. When celebs boast about it – such as Miley Cyrus posting a photo of herself smoking pot with the [...]

What’s the point of running an education campaign?

Some commentators have suggested that mass media campaigns are more likely to be effective when they are: - well-resourced and enduring - target a clearly defined audience - are based on advanced marketing strategies that effectively target, communicate with, and have relevance for, and credibility with, the audience - provide a credible message to which [...]

Sleepy teens hit the bum notes in life

A GENERATION of sleep-deprived teenagers is not what society needs. Blink and these exhausted, overstimulated youngsters will be adults charged with making ­responsible decisions, whether they're equipped to or not. Young people who don't get enough sleep miss out on major developmental milestones that enable empathy, respect, reasoning and self-control. Without the nine to 10 [...]

Limit teens’ web access to two hours a day, parents told

Teenagers should spend no more than two hours on the internet each day, doctors warned as they advised parents to remove laptops and gadgets from their children’s bedrooms. Many mothers and fathers remain “clueless” about the impact excessive media exposure can have on their children and need to “get with it”, it was suggested. Dr [...]

The disturbing world of ‘pretty or ugly’ videos

When I was a teenager I would spend hours in my room singing into my hairbrush microphone in front of the mirror.  Go on, admit it, you probably did the same.  Indulging in some self-love is a fundamental right of childhood. For the kids of today the mirror has morphed into a small pixelated screen [...]

Internet overload depriving people of sleep

A British survey has found 9 out of 10 people are sacrificing a good night's sleep so they can stay in touch on the internet. More than half of two thousand people polled said they went online while in bed trying to sleep and one in five admitted they needed to check their Twitter, Facebook [...]

Why technology needs to be out of bedrooms

I have recently returned from a trip to Africa. In the weeks leading up to my trip I was often asked, “Why would you go to Africa to talk on technology?” Because the world is truly a global village! I have seen it with my own eyes.   Other than perhaps extremely remote areas, almost [...]

#selfies – you are worth more than the sum total of your ‘likes’

I was somewhat disappointed by last Monday night’s Australian Story, on the ‘selfie’ phenomenon. The thirty minutes were more about Olympia and her arty family than about the posturing culture, which is the current fad in teenage hood. I was however, intrigued by Olympia’s reflections of this ‘selfie’ culture, “We’re faking it, so that we [...]

Action call as social media marketing of alcohol reeling in young audience

ALCOHOL companies are using Twitter to plug their products to a young and potentially underage audience, prompting calls for greater regulation of social media. via Action call as social media marketing of alcohol reeling in young audience | Herald Sun.

By |2013-09-08T15:25:32+10:00September 8th, 2013|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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