Social Media

Two Great Ways to Address Digital Citizenship in Your School

According to a newspaper report out of Canberra, schools could leave themselves open to being sued if their students are cyber-bullied inside school grounds.   Amy Dwyer and Patricia Easteal, from the University of Canberra published their paper, Cyber Bullying in Australian Schools: The question of negligence and liability, and applied existing laws to cyber [...]

By |2013-08-19T09:51:42+10:00August 19th, 2013|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Why do kids tweet?

Never mind that, why do adults tweet? I’m an avid member of the Twitterati… and I tend to roll my eyes when I hear people dismissing it as nothing more than a window into the narcissistic lives of celebrities.   A recent piece of research by the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic) revealed the [...]

What’s in a selfie? A high school student tells us

If social media only caused narcissism, it wouldn't be the worst thing. Instagram and Facebook are social networks that not only breed narcissistic tendencies but transform relations into a sexual rat race. On these ubiquitous portals, the popularity of girls is hotly contested over one big deal: how sexy can I appear and bring it [...]

Girl Mag Watch Dolly June 2013

Only half the mag is worth reading Melinda Tankard Reist Readers wanting something of substance from Dolly’s June issue would do best to skip the first half and go straight to the second.  Articles on self-harm, hate pages and unhealthy attitudes toward food redeem the insubstantial nature of the pages that go before. ‘Would you [...]

Girl Mag Watch – Real life stories that bring you to tears

Girlfriend June 2013 “Why are you crying mum?” “Because I’m reading Girlfriend”. An unexpected response, perhaps, from an (allegedly) grown woman. But a story in the latest issue did me in. ‘Real Life Stories’ – which I have always appreciated for giving space to the raw realities of so many girls lives – opens with [...]

Bullying Thrives On Teen Website

A new social media website is turning into a haven for vicious cyber-bullies taunting their victims about suicide, self-harm and weight issues. is the latest hit website among teenagers, with more than 40 million users worldwide, but parents and schools are shocked by the content. On the website, members create a profile and are [...]

When we have to airbrush flesh onto models you know we’ve got a problem

WHEN fashion publishers feel they have to use photo-shop to ‘‘fatten up’’ models in a major fashion event before they can publish their images, you know there’s a problem. Usually when fashion and beauty publications employ digital enhancement it’s for the opposite reason: to slim down the model or celebrity and hide ‘‘flaws’’. But this [...]

Youth skim surface of life with constant use of social media

They suffer from FOMO and FONK. Four in five say they haven't found their passion in life. With more information at their fingertips than any generation in history, today's under 30s live their lives ''a mile wide and an inch deep'', and they're so busy keeping up with their social media feeds they have no [...]

Grog groups accused of targeting minors on social media

Alcohol brands have flocked to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, posting competitions, cocktail recipes and even TV advertisements. The ads are bright, fun and at the fingertips of children. Australian Medical Association president Steve Hambleton says it is out of control. "Social media is a huge opportunity with a lot more power and [...]

Girl mag Watch Dolly April 2013

I think Dolly may be improving (if only it would drop the model search!) Forty eight pages into Dolly’s April issue and I was beginning to wonder if there was anything worth commenting on. Yes there was a promotion of the Dolly model search, but I’d already gone to town on that in the last [...]

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