Social Media

The Unique Body Image Problem Posed By Social Media

iStock Images Social media is a strange beast. Consider the app, Facetune, which makes the application of Valencia seem like child's play. Facetune is the Photoshop of selfies; it allows you to retouch your skin, add make-up, whiten your teeth, widen your mouth, change your eye colour, change your hair and basically make [...]

Why Are So Many Of Britain’s Teen Girls Struggling With Mental Health Problems?

Pixabay Images A new study shows a worrying rise in mental health problems among teenagers in the UK. According to the Department of Education, which spoke to 30,000 pupils aged 14-15, more than one in three teen girls suffer from anxiety or depression. It's a rise of 10 per cent in the past decade, [...]

Teenagers Are Unhappy As Ever – Is Social Media The Culprit?

Mkhmarketing Images According to a new study done by ChildLine, a child counseling group, today’s children are dealing with new pressures that stem from social media. When the organization first launched 30 years ago, they found that children were most worried about sexual abuse and family planning problems, however these days, ChildLine has [...]

Teenage Brain On Social Media: Findings Shed Light On Influence Of Peers, Much More

Getty Images The same brain circuits that are activated by eating chocolate and winning money are activated when teenagers see large numbers of "likes" on their own photos or the photos of peers in a social network, according to a first-of-its-kind UCLA study that scanned teens' brains while using social media. The 32 teenagers, [...]

I Think A Bullet Might Hurt A Little Bit Less Than This Loneliness: The Instagram Fad Normalising Suicidal Yearnings As Fashionable

Instagram Suicide-themed captions crafted by girls are attracting hundreds of teen and tween girls. However there are almost no responses encouraging the distressed and possibly at-risk girl to call ‘000’, a kids’ help hotline or even asking ‘RUOK?’ Instead, adoring fans applaud with ‘likes’, approving comments and a shower of emoticon hearts before [...]

How TV Shows Get Away With Humiliating Women For Entertainment

Samantha Armytage 'faced her fear' of being covered in cockroaches on Sunrise. Photo: Channel 7 High above the Dubai skyline, a plane taking an aerial tour of the city begins to thrash and spin. The passengers inside are at first perplexed, and then begin to scream. As the plane further loses control, the [...]

Cyber Smarts – Using Social Media Wisely

Stock Photo You have access to the world’s largest museum, art gallery, library and social group ever created. You also have access to ways to expand your intelligence and your influence that your past generations could have never imagined. To gain these massive benefits you need to have your wits about you and [...]

By |2016-03-24T16:28:02+11:00March 24th, 2016|Categories: Cybersafety|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

‘Trivialising’ Responses Causing Youth Who Self-harm To Turn Backs On Medical Help

PHOTO: Nicole Juniper, a 19-year-old university student from Melbourne, began self-harming when she was 14. (ABC: Norman Hermant) Negative and damaging responses from front-line medical staff are a major reason why Australian youth self-harm rates are at "unacceptable" levels, researchers say. Key points: Orygen finds young people who self-harm still subject to stigma [...]

FOMO: How Prevalent It Is and What You Can Do about It

reachout A latest survey conducted by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) has highlighted that on average one in two teenagers experience FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). ‘FOMO’ is the pervasive fear that you might be missing out on something great happening elsewhere, often triggered or reinforced by posts seen on social media. FOMO is [...]

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