
More On Positive Psychology

I’ve never received such a response to a Generation Next article like the one I received to last week’s column, 3 Common Myths About Positive Psychology.   I was overwhelmed by the amount of emails I got, the majority of which were saying, “I’ve heard of positive psychology, but where can I find out more?” So [...]

Why Middle-School Girls Sometimes Talk Like Babies

For years, I ignored the habit of baby voice and upspeak because while it is irksome, I was grateful my students were speaking up in class at all. I appreciate how hard it can be for some kids to open their mouths in class and risk embarrassment, so I did not want to do anything [...]

By |2014-03-04T01:03:44+11:00February 24th, 2014|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

New Type of Boredom Discovered, and It’s Rampant

According to new research, there are no fewer than five types of boredom — one more than previously theorized. This new type of boredom is marked by a strong strain of apathy, psychologists reported in the November issue of the journal Motivation and Emotion. "Of particular concern is the relative frequency of apathetic boredom observed [...]

Is It A Strength If You’re Not Good At It

Strengths-based-approaches are nothing new in education. Tap into what I student is good at, and use that to leverage their ability across the curriculum. But what if I asked you, “What is a strength? What are your strengths?” As adults we sometimes find it hard to articulate. What do you mean strength? Do you mean [...]

Great Scores But Unhappy Kids

You’d be well aware that late last year, the OECD published  the latest of their PISA tables.    But did you know that as this article shows, the tests are not all about numeracy and literacy?   As part of the tests, students were asked to agree or disagree with a whole range of statements. One of which was: [...]

Mindfulness could help teachers avoid burnout

There are still a couple of weeks before most teachers in Australia will be returning to work. Many will not have given it a second thought as yet, and hopefully most will be looking forward to it, but some teachers will be dreading the return to the classroom. Burnout and other mental health related issues [...]

Alarm over child drinking, multiple liquor outlets

Children as young as 12 who live in areas saturated with liquor outlets are more likely to drink than their peers, researchers say. A study of more than 10,000 high school students has found many are illegally being sold alcohol from takeaway liquor shops. Children between 12 and 14 who live close to many take-away [...]

By |2013-12-15T12:12:25+11:00December 15th, 2013|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Frequent cell phone use linked to anxiety, lower grades and reduced happiness in students

Today, smartphones are central to college students' lives, keeping them constantly connected with friends, family and the Internet. Students' cell phones are rarely out of reach whether the setting is a college classroom, library, recreational center, cafeteria or dorm room. As cell phone use continues to increase, it is worth considering whether use of the [...]

Dolly commended for highlighting the life of young carers

Girls Mag Review December Melinda Tankard Reist In 147 pages of beauty and fashion shopping, advice and advertising , along with tips on catching your “crush” this summer, there are, fortunately, a few articles that will actually help girls. As you know, I always search for the personal stories which convey the reality of girls’ [...]

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