
Honest People Are Healthier And Happier

Honesty may actually help your health, suggests a study presented to psychologists at the weekend that found telling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally. via Honest People Are Healthier And Happier, Says Study.

Sexual Content in Movies May Predict Teen Sexual Behavior

A recent study has found that exposure to sexual content in movies increases the chances of children adopting risky behavior later in life. "Adolescents who are exposed to more sexual content in movies start having sex at younger ages, have more sexual partners, and are less likely to use condoms with casual sexual partners," said [...]

Pester power: why junk food ads and children shouldn’t mix

Junk food is one of the mainstays of food advertising to children, who form the key market for junk food advertisers. Some of the more concerning marketing tactics are the ones that play on children’s desire to be popular. This is something advertisers are supposed to avoid but they clearly still resort to this tactic. [...]

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