
Study: insufficient sleep linked to depression in adolescents

An American study has linked insufficient sleep to depression in adolescents. The study of over 15,000 adolescents in years 7-12 looked at the relationship between set bedtimes and sleep duration and depression. The study found that teens who went to bed after midnight were 24% more likely to suffer from depression and 20% more likely [...]


The Generation Next blog  is going on holidays for two weeks! A big thanks to all those who have helped make this year  so successful for Generation Next! The seminar series will return next year with more seminars in more locations around Australia, we look froward to seeing you there! Have a safe and happy holiday!

By |2009-12-18T16:04:03+11:00December 18th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

What can I do to help someone who is depressed?

People who are depressed are not always easy to help because often they are disinterested, lack energy and motivation, can be irritable, and may not see the point of doing anything. Some people are not used to talking much – especially about themselves, so getting a conversation started can be difficult. Useful tips for helping [...]

Study: ultra-clean environment bad for immune system

A study examining cleanliness in childhood has found that children who grow up in ultra-clean environments may have an increased risk of a large range of diseases including heart disease. The study which used data from 3,327 Filipino families found that children who were exposed to more germs grew up to have a much healthier [...]

Police operation to target drunken violence this weekend

Police in capital cities around Australia and New Zealand are tonight preparing for a weekend of high-visibility policing aimed at reducing alcohol fuelled violence. The two day blitz titled Operation Unite will start tonight at 6pm, and will focus on tackling alcohol fuelled crime and anti-social behaviour, especially violence. Thousands of extra police will be [...]

Paul Dillon – Most young people haven’t done drugs

Last night I was watching TV and saw a news advertisement about young people and drug use. Over the top of an image or a group of young people was superimposed the words One third of all young people have used an illegal drug. That statistic sounds pretty scary for parents, and it is – [...]

Fitness linked to intelligence in Swedish study

Researchers in Sweden have found another potential benefit for children who play sport: in a study published last week it was reported that teenage boys who frequently played sport were smarter then those who did not. The study looked at data from 1.2 million Swedish 15-18 year olds from when the men went for mandatory [...]

Study links internet addiction to self harm

An Australian study published today has linked internet addiction to self harm. The survey of over 1,600 13- to 18-year-olds found that the students who reported signs of moderate to severe internet addiction were twice as likely to report some form of self harm. The study found that one in six of the students surveyed [...]

Study warns of parent's tolerance towards under-age drinking

A study of 1,200 people has found that half of parents believe 15 to 17 year olds should be allowed to consume alcohol at home under parental supervision. The study by a national health insurance provider found that Western Australian parents were the most in favour of allowing under-age drinking. Dr Christine Bennett, who worked [...]

Tell your children – Calling an ambulance

It is important to tell your children that if they are in doubt, they should not hesitate to call for medical assistance. It’s hard to be too specific here as it’s not always easy to say what constitutes a ‘medical emergency’. Young people need to know that they won’t get in trouble for calling an [...]

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