
The State of Australia's Young People Report

Late last week the Minister for Early Childhood Education, Child Care and Youth released The State of Australia's Young People Report, examining youth aged from 15-24 years of age. The report was commissioned earlier this year by the Office for Youth to complete the State of Australia’s Young People report and will later be used [...]

Computer games linked to ADHD

An American study linked computer games to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when it found people who play computer games for around 40 hours a week are more likely to have difficulty paying attention than people who only play computer games for a couple of hours a week. The researchers who conducted the study conceded that [...]

Perth Generation Next Seminar next Saturday

Generation Next is coming to Perth! Featuring speakers such as Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, Julie Gale, Paul Dillon and Susan McLean, the seminar will provide solutions to the challenges facing generations Y and Z. The seminar will cover a range of topics including cybersafety (including cyberbullying and sexting), the sexualisation of our children in the media, [...]

Study: Children's development not damaged by working mothers

A British study of 17,000 parents and their children found that mothers who return to work before their child's first birthday do not harm their child's mental development. The study examined children born in the 1990s with a series of tests and questionnaires. Co-author of the study, Professor Heather Joshi, described why the study is [...]

Paul Dillon's top ten "outs" for beating peer pressure

Here are the top ten “outs” that I have collected from teenagers over the years. Not all of them are great, but they cover a range of different ways of saying ‘no’, including excuses (often using information they have picked up in drug education lessons at school) and delaying or putting off the situation. ‘I’m [...]

Trainee teachers to get cyber-bully education

A new program will educate Trainee teachers on how to monitor and manage cyber-bullying. The program from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will build on the Cybersmart Internet Safety Awareness presentations which have been presented to over 50,000 teachers, parents and students. A pilot of the program is currently being trialled at the [...]

New resource to combat cyberbullying

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) last week launched Let's Fight It Together, a government resource designed to combat cyberbullying. The resource which is available to schools includes a 40-page teacher's guide, featuring lesson plans, follow up activities and support material to help teachers write classes to educate students about cyberbullying, and a DVD, [...]

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