
Alcohol consumption up and connected to increased social and health harms

75% of adult Australians adversely affected by someone else’s drinking. A recent study published online by The Medical Journal of Australia has shown that the consumption of alcohol is on the rise and linked to alcohol related health harms (eg, liver cirrhosis, accidents and suicide) and social harms (eg, arrests for assault and public disorder). [...]

Schoolies week: reassuring advice on how to negotiate the course

Paul Dillon, author of Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs and Generation Next speaker has some practical advice for parents and teenagers on the nature of Schoolies Week. Over the years I have attended a number of Schoolies Week celebrations and although there have always been incidents, usually linked to excessive alcohol consumption, for the most part [...]

Net Savvy: Addiction

The Addiction website is supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and other Drugs, which was originally established in 1884. It is a great resource for the latest information about all sorts of addictions as it includes international studies and research papers. Addiction's scope spans human clinical, epidemiological, experimental, policy and historical [...]

Generation Next Seminars 2011: Mental Health Professional events

For Education, Health and Welfare Professionals. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Dr Manocha has developed Generation Next in close consultation with leading experts to help address the rising tide of mental, social and [...]

Self-harm more common than we realise

1.1% have self-injured recently, of these 40.6% cut themselves 39.8% inflicted scratching injuries on themselves*  A national survey published online in The Medical Journal of Australia has found that self-harming is more prevalent in Australia than previously thought.  The survey, carried out by researchers at the University of Queensland, questioned over 12,000 people, male and female aged [...]

When enough is enough, parents called in to claim their hooligans

Eventually enough is enough. There are scores of teenagers and children roaming the streets at night in packs; indulging into drinking, petty crime and anti-social behaviour. Finally police have put their foot down and sent in the big guns. Now when the going gets tough, the police ring for backup to teenagers' parents. “Operation Enough” [...]

Youthbeyondblue talks: Schoolies week and drinking

Don’t drink too much during schoolies celebrations With Schoolies celebrations fast approaching, it is important to know the facts and risks about drinking, depression and anxiety. For young people, drinking may seem like a good way to take their minds off things, particularly if they’re feeling depressed or anxious. But alcohol affects mental health as [...]

A win in Hollywood for motherhood and the body that comes with it

Jessica Alba is a true modern day heroine. Not just for her role in the Fantastic Four but because finally there is an actress in Hollywood willing to stand up and admit to liking her body just the way it is. It is a rare thing when an actress actually admits that she likes her [...]

Music, art or soft porn?

It seems suddenly everyone is noticing that the video clips on offer today are basically glorified porn depicting the sexualisation of women covered in a thin veil of being an artistic music clip. For some time now experts have been voicing their concerns about the consequences of such blatant imagery on young people. Julie Gale, [...]

Secondary Supply alcohol laws help protect our teenagers

Child Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Generation Next speaker has called on the Victorian Premier John Brumby to take action on the issue of ‘secondary supply’ of alcohol. Addressing an “Urban Conversation” event held at a Melbourne High School recently, he suggested that Victoria enact “secondary supply” laws, similar to those already in place in New [...]

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